Page 22 of Beautiful Trauma

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“It’s an interesting assortment, isn’t it?” He held up the pink bottle of bubble bath in one hand and a two-pack of pacifiers in the other. “Random as hell.”

I wandered down the aisle and picked up a bottle of tequila. “Oh, let’s get this!”

Sergio took the bottle from my hand and placed it back on the shelf. “I think you’re good for tonight. You have a flight to catch soon.”

I stuck my tongue out. “Bummer.”

“Looks like you had fun with the groupies tonight.”

“Yes. Indeed, I did. Oh! You need to fuck Kelly.”

“Is that so?” He chuckled.

“She’s got it bad for you. I told her I’d put in a good word.”

“Yes, and all of downtown just heard it.”

“Are you gonna do it? You have three more nights. Don’t tell me you don’t screw around with fans. I’m living proof of your dalliances.”

“New band, new me.” He grinned.

“Bullshit. You wanted a sidekick. I’m no toddler, but I can totally get you laid.”

“I prefer the ones I know I won’t see again."

My head tipped back with laughter. “That backfired with me big time, buddy. Look how that turned out. I literally call you every day!”

“It was most unexpected. But I got a new BFF and not a stalker, so it ended just fine.”

“She won’t stalk you. Well, more than she already does by following you around on tour.”

“I’ll take that under advisement. Let’s get you ready to go, shall we?”


One of the highlights of working with a bunch of guys with time on their hands was the weird text messages I’d receive at all hours of the day and night. Mostly from Sergio.

Sergio: Tom just bet Connor that he can stand on his head longer

Me: Where are they doing it?

Sergio: Moving bus

Sergio: you know for the challenge

Me: standing on their heads isn’t enough of a challenge?

Sergio: Update: neither of them can do it and they have changed the bet to see who can do the longest wall sit

Me: hands down Tom. I want in on that bet

I rolled back over to go back to sleep.

Hours later, I checked my phone and scrunched my eyebrows at the level of random Sergio had reached.

Sergio: If you had to come up with the definition of “slunto” what would it be?

Me: Slunto is not a word.
