Page 14 of A Magical Christmas

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“Let’s lie down,” she whispered, tugging me over to my huge bed before pulling back the covers.

Jaydy still wore her sexy little knickers, and I didn’t try to peel them off her just yet. Like she said, we had time, and I’d tug them off with my bare teeth once I got my breath back. I climbed onto the mattress, flipping over onto my back and reached for her.

She came straight into my arms, resting her head on my chest and sighing with a contentment.

I shivered internally. I was feeling that same, dreamy sense of contentment myself. I wrapped my arms around her as though I’d done it a million times before, and I kissed the top of her head. “Thank you for that.” The gift she’d just given me was... in a word? Incredible.

She chuckled. “You don’t need to thank me. It’s high time someone gave Santa a gift.”

I squeezed her harder, not even sure how to respond to that. The women I usually took to my bed didn’t care about me. They simply took whatever I could give them, and my satisfaction at having given them mind-melting pleasure was usually enough to get me through the cold nights. But with Jaydy it felt different.

“Hey, can I ask you something?” she asked, her fingertips tracing the pattern of my tattoo, imprinted over my heart.

“Anything.” I sensed, more than saw her smile.

“What did you mean when you said you’d been waiting for me?”

Oh... crap.“Um... damn. My policy has always been truth above all else, but I don’t want to scare you off, Jaydy.” Was she going to be like humans that fould the idea of Fate overwhelming?

“I’m up for the truth,” she said, still stroking my tattoo.

I took a deep breath then decided to die on the sword. It was the only sure way to find out if she could handle it or not. And I couldn’t lie to her. She deserved the truth. “Okay. Well... your magic is inherited, right?”

She nodded against my chest. “Yes. My parents are both magical, so I have powers too.”

“Strong powers, if Elsa is correct,” I teased her.

She thwacked me lightly on the chest. “Keep going.”

“All right. Well, basically, my parents were Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus. I’ve taken over his job, like a lot of sons do. When I marry and have a child, he will be a boy. And he in turn will become the next Santa.”

Jaydy lifted her head and looked me in the eye. “Really? I kind of just assumed you were immortal or something.”

I laughed, then quickly tried to suppress it as Jaydy bounced on my chest. “Sorry.”

She smiled, then settled down, laying her head back on my chest. “Okay, so you’re what... thirty?” she ventured.

Another chuckle escaped me. “Ilookthirty, but I’m a fair bit older. I won’t officially start aging until I marry and have a child, which is probably how the immortality myth came about.”

“What do you mean?”

My gut twisted with worry. I wasn’t sure I wanted to tell her all the details of the Santa mythology. “Ah... because if a Santa doesn’t marry, then he stays young forever.”

She lifted her head again, a confused expression on her lovely face. “But isn’t that what you’d want?”

“Me?” I chuckled. “No. Most definitely not.”

I rolled us over and moved down her body, so my lips were once again within kissing distance of hers. “Why would I want to live forever? Alone? Truthfully, all I want is to find the woman who’s meant for me so that I can love and cherish her.” I kissed her lips, groaning at the perfect taste of her. I wanted more,somuch more.

“And have you found her?” Jaydy whispered, arching her back so that her perky nipples pressed against my chest.

“Hm...”I hope so.Setting my lips to the side of her neck, I ran my tongue over her skin, kissing my way down to her magnificent full breasts.

She twisted and gasped beneath my hands.

I cupped a breast and thumbed her tight bud, my lips searching for that strawberry-colored tip. I kissed the flesh of her breast once more before I hungrily seized one of her nipples with my lips, suckling softly at first, then deeply.

Jaydy grabbed my head as she gasped and held me to her breast.
