Page 107 of Lights, Camera, Love

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I finished shimmyingmy dress over my head and smoothed the material down my torso and hips. The gold fabric dipped low over my cleavage, and the old Hollywood curls were still in their rollers, pinned in place.

My makeup consisted of smokey eyes with killer eyeliner that Viv had helped me with, dewy skin resulting from both the products and the humid air, and a bold red lip.

The finale was taking place in just half an hour, and we were all bustling around, getting ready for the last announcement of the show.

All the guys had grabbed their stuff from the wardrobes and headed downstairs, giving us girls free rein in the glam room, bathroom, and closet space. And it was a good thing, too, because we were all rushing from place to place while the speakers blared pop music, and our stuff was strewn absolutely everywhere.

Cheryl was the only one in the dressing room with me at the moment, so I turned to her, hoping for some assistance. “Hey, Cheryl?” She turned toward me with two dress options in her hands. “Could you zip me up, please?”

“Yeah, sure.” She laid both dresses over one arm and came up behind me, gently taking the zipper and sliding it upward. “Uh, I just wanted to say I’m sorry.”

I froze.

“I shouldn’t have sided with Kayla during all of that.” She sighed. “I fell into old habits here, and instead of bonding like you and Viv did, I acted like it was high school. And I don’t know what came over me when you and Diego were away, but I shouldn’t have made a pass at Oliver or Aaron. It’s clear those two are head over heels for you as well, and I’d feel really shitty if someone did that to people I cared about. I’ve been cheated on before and wouldn’t wish that kind of pain on anyone. The trust it breaks is irreparable, and I’m sorry for even entertaining the idea of stealing one of them away from you.”

I turned to face her, finding her lips pulled down in a frown and her free hand plucking at the fabric of one of her dresses.

“What brought this on?” I asked.

“It was that communication workshop. Hearing how you and Diego had connected, and not just physically, made me want that for myself. I had someone amazing and lost him.”

“You mean your ex?”

“Yeah, Antonio.”

“So, go get him,” I said like it was that easy.

She scoffed and muttered, “Yeah, right.”

“Look, I’m certainly no expert in love, but if I’ve learned anything here, it’s that communication and taking chances can lead to something great. But be real with him and listen to him, too. I forgive you and only want the best for you.”

“Even after everything?” Cheryl asked.

“Yes, absolutely.” I pulled her in for a hug. At the show’s start, I’d thought she and I could be great friends, and nothing said we couldn’t mend those fences she’d bulldozed over and start anew. “And pick the green dress. I bet Antonio has been watching the show, and you can wow him from here.”

She chuckled, and I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. It never sat right that we were at odds, and I was glad that we would part as… well, maybe notfriends, but at least not-enemies.

“Sophie!” Viv called from the glam room. “You gotta take those rollers out unless that’s part of your look!”

“Coming!” I called back. “Thanks, Cheryl. This talk has meant a lot to me.”

“Me too,” she agreed, pulling me in for a brief hug.

Together, we went in search of the others, and in no time, we were all ready to go, looking fabulous and glamorous for our last night on the island.

Over breakfast, Jess had informed us about tonight’s schedule and how we’d be split up to get ready for the finale. Then, the guys would wait for us at the filming spot and we’d join them there. She’d said it would make for good footage and round out the show, mirroring the beginning shots and the end.

Our favorite crew member was now waiting for us downstairs in the kitchen.

“You all look amazing!” she said as we entered the room. We had all opted for heels and gorgeous dresses and looked like we were headed to a red-carpet event. “Okay, the guys are already over there. Troy is in position, and we’re ready to roll. You ladies good?”

“All good,” Gia assured her.

Jess pointed out the little yellow strips of tape we were supposed to follow, and off we went. I followed that same makeshift yellow brick road I’d walked the first day on the island. Except this time, instead of finding a bunch of strangers waiting for me at the end, I would find the pieces of my heart.

We reached the beach, and I wasn’t the only one to gasp at the change. The crew had built a deck out there so we could walk in our heels and keep off the sand, but the most amazing sight was the twinkle lights strung between poles and the candles on the four tall tables.
