Page 108 of Lights, Camera, Love

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Daniel was behind the bar, mixing drinks for everyone like he did for our welcome party. The pitcher of mojitos tried calling my name to settle my nerves, but I didn’t need it. When my eyes connected with the trio of handsome men in tuxes waiting for me at a table, my nerves disappeared.

They were looking at me with heat in their eyes and clearly one thing on their minds. I batted my long lashes and bit my bottom lip.

They moved in front of the table, and Oliver extended a hand to me, which I wasted no time taking with my own. He lifted our entwined hands and spun me so I twirled.

“Love, you look incredible,” he breathed.

I hugged him when I finished my spin, and he kissed the crown of my head.

Diego was next, and he pulled me in for a kiss, careful to keep it tame, so he didn’t smudge my lipstick. When we disconnected, I ran my thumb over his bottom lip and removed the stain.

“Red might be a good color for you,” Aaron joked, lightly punching Diego in the shoulder. “Come here, Sophie girl.”

I was passed from one man to the next, lovingly deposited into Aaron’s arms.

“This feels like déjà vu,” he said, running his hands down my sides and settling them on my hips.

“You mean the hot potato hug thing?” I asked with a smirk because I’d just been thinking the same thing.

“Yeah,” he said with a grin. “But this time, I know what I want.” He kissed me, definitely messing up my lipstick and loving every second.

“Good evening, housemates, and welcome to the finale!” Troy called from behind me.

I hastily pulled away and used my fingertips to fix my lipstick as best as I could. It would take a mirror and some makeup wipes to clean this up, but I was shit out of luck.

Norbert was poking out of a bush near one of the cameramen, his tongue sticking out—which Oliver had informed me was a way cold-blooded animals regulated their temperatures—and his chin flap swaying in the breeze.

I swore to everything that he nodded at me in goodbye, before turning around and disappearing into the shrubbery. Sending him a silent goodbye, I blew a kiss in his direction, messing up my lipstick even more.

Troy reached the center of the deck and opened his arms wide. “You have all been on an amazing journey of self-discovery, love, and friendship here. The audience has been watching you grow, connect with your housemates, and even enter into someunconventionalpairings.”

Everyone looked over at our table and cheered.

Troy laughed along. “Sophie, did you ever think going into this that you would end up with three of the housemates?”

I snorted. It was undignified, but it was real. “Not a chance, Troy. They were unexpected, to say the least, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Oliver was on my right with his arm around my shoulders. Diego had his hand around my waist, and behind his back, Aaron’s hand was linked with mine. The four of us were united through this strange and surreal experience, and I couldn’t wait to see how that would translate to real life.

I was scared, certainly. Work, family responsibilities, meshing our schedules… all of it was bound to be a lot at first, but if I had faith in anything, it was the four of us.

“Guys, any thoughts you want to share with the group?” Troy asked.

“If I may?” Aaron asked, looking over my head at Oliver and then at Diego. They nodded.

Aaron took a deep breath and squeezed my hand. “I was lost when I first arrived here. Instead of being who I was, I acted like all the other idiots I saw on dating shows.” Diego took mock offense and shoved Aaron playfully. “Yes, you included. But things fell into place once I let go of that and allowed someone see me for who I really am and not the mask I presented. Don’t get me wrong, it was scary as hell, but I think most would be surprised at what they find when they’re true to themselves.”

I blew him a kiss, and Diego clapped him on the shoulder.

“Poignant words, Aaron,” Troy said as everyone else cheered for our former resident frat boy. Aaron had changed the most since our arrival on the island, and his growth had inspired me to stop hiding from my own emotions. Yesterday, he and I spoke about Kayla and what had happened there.

His words were introspective, and after hearing about his experience, I thought dating her first opened his eyes to what he wanted. His speech still played in my mind on repeat, and it was easy to see why I fell for the redheaded goofball when he finally let that mask slip.

“She was fun, and I thought that was what I wanted. But as time passed and everything blew up in my face, I realized I wanted someone who took the time to get to know me as more than just a hookup. It was easy to fall into something simple with her, and I don’t harbor any ill will toward her for our implosion, but I hope she is more gracious to whoever she dates next. I quite like what we have, Sophie girl, and I’m glad we had the chance to meet and give this a shot.”

Troy’s words cut through the memory as he turned the questions to another couple. “Daniel and Gia, you two paired up from the start and have grown together, impressing our viewers enough to win some time away. I hear there are some congratulations in order?”

Daniel nodded, his smile stretched wide. “I asked Gia to be my girlfriend, and she agreed.”

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