Page 111 of Lights, Camera, Love

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“Ryan!” Troy called.

Aaron and Diego fist-bumped Ryan, who was shaking his head in disbelief.

“Too late now,” Oliver said, laughing as he tapped his beer against my ex’s.

“And…” Troy trailed off, adding to the tension. I knew who I was hoping for.


Ryan’s shoulders drooped slightly even as Oliver, Aaron, and Diego clapped. Ryan mustered a smile and hid his disappointment before my three guys turned to him.

“Canada seems nice,” Ryan offered.

“It’s beautiful,” Aaron offered. “And who knows who your housemates will be? This is gonna be good, and you bet your ass we’ll be watching and voting.”

“Thanks, guys.”

We finished our food, and after a game of cornhole in the backyard, Ryan took off. His motorcycle could be heard down the street as he headed toward the 134 freeway.

“Was it just me, or was that a little anticlimactic?” Oliver asked as we cleaned up the mess in the living room.

I picked up a rogue napkin, balled it, and shot it into the garbage can.Kobe.

He was right. “Not just you. I don’t think he wanted to say anything because she’s your ex, but I’m pretty sure he was hoping for Julie to return,”I admitted.

“I’m surprised she wasn’t announced. But maybe she didn’t apply. You know she was going back and forth on it,” Oliver said, referring to our last video chat.

“Yeah, that’s true. And they were merciless toward each other with the teasing at the end there. Maybe it’s for the best.”

With the house back in order, we headed to the bedroom.

We all kept our own space in the house, but we ended up in my room more nights than not. I washed my face and braided my hair in the ensuite bathroom, and when I emerged in my white, silky robe, I found all three of my guys lounging on my bed in various poses.

Aaron had his ass in the air with his finger tugging on his lip as he looked over his shoulder like some kind of perverse Coppertone Sunscreen advertisement. Oliver was draped across the left side of the mattress, a book in his hands and his glasses sliding down his nose. He let the book fall to his chest as his eyes connected with me in the doorway. Diego had stripped down to his boxer briefs and was sprawled opposite Oliver. There was a space in the middle, just for me, and I couldn’t wait to join them. But first…

“I love you. All of you.” Tears prickled behind my eyes, and I cleared the sudden lump in my throat. It certainly wasn’t the first time we’d said those words, but at that moment, looking at the men who had supported my every move in business since we got together and fought for us every day, even when the online bullies were very, very loud, I was overcome with emotion.

Tonight was a prime example of their adoration. Not once did they balk at the idea of Ryan coming over to watch the announcements. The four of us believed in the show and what it could do if one was open to it. It took a special kind of person to make peace with someone’s past and not only tolerate it but welcome it with open arms. I had three extraordinary people right in front of me, and I wanted to shout it from the rooftops.

Aaron straightened and sauntered over to me. Oliver stood, leaving his book on the nightstand, folded his glasses neatly, and placed them on top. Diego stood as well, shucking his underwear as he did, his dick standing proud and leading the way to me.

“I love you too, Sophie girl,” Aaron said.

“I love you more, Soph,” Diego teased, sticking out his tongue at Aaron. He got a fist to his shoulder in retribution.

Oliver was the last to reach us, his steps slow and measured as he closed our circle. “Love, none of us truly believed we would find our person on that island until we got to know you. I love you, too. I love our family and can’t wait to see what’s next.”


Sophie - Two years later

The helicopter tiltedto the side, and it was all the worse with the blindfold securely tied over my eyes. I screeched in an entirely justified way.

A hand wrapped around my clenched fists in my lap, and Oliver’s voice coming through my headset broke through the inner turmoil.

“Easy, love. We’re almost there. Landing in just a minute.”

I swallowed down a mouthful of saliva and scrambled to grip his hands. If we died in a helicopter crash, I at least wanted to be holding onto one of the men I loved.
