Page 112 of Lights, Camera, Love

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The last two years had been amazing and frustrating and full of triumphs and obstacles we’d had to overcome together. I wouldn’t lie and say everything was smooth sailing. We’d had our share of trials, but the highs had always outweighed the dips.

Speaking of dips…

My hair whipped around my face as my stomach crawled up to my throat. We were dropping, and this time, instead of screaming, all I could do was grit my teeth and try to breathe. It wasn’t working.

I had no idea where we were.

Diego had woken me up this morning with a sweet kiss, murmured promises of coffee, and had my duffle bag packed and clutched in his hands. He’d ushered me out of the house, and we headed to a private airstrip where we met Aaron and Oliver standing in front of a jet. The pilot—one of Diego’s clients—took off, and as soon as we were in the air, even with the blindfold, the four of us had taken full advantage of the mile-high club. I simply could not get enough of them lately, and I was never one to deny myself.

We’d landed a while later, and I assumed it had been at least a couple of hours because even with three guys, they needed a second to go another round, and we’d managed two in the air. The plane landed, and they led me down the little staircase and put me into a helicopter.

Where I was now screaming my head off.

There was no way to tell where I was except that we were still in the northern hemisphere because it was clearly summer wherever we had landed. It was hot and sticky, and my thighs were chafing like a motherfucker.

With a thump, the helicopter landed. Aaron cheered over the headset like a kid in a candy shop while Diego was asking the pilot about the equipment on board.

I loved them, but right now, I hated them a little bit too.

Surprises could be fun, but the last time I’d been blindfolded (and on a moving vehicle), I almost ended up in the sea with Jess. The other times they had stolen my sight had been fun, but that was at home, and I got to do fun things like guess who was doing what to me in filthy, filthy ways.

Aaron unbuckled me once the pilot said it was safe and opened the aircraft door. Thanks to Diego’s job, it wasn’t our first time in a chopper, and usually, I loved it, but today was an exception. I was a little salty that I didn’t get to admire the view, and I was confident that would have helped with the motion sickness.

“Hop down, Sophie girl. You’re at the edge.”

He guided one of my hands to the safety bar and gripped my hips. He counted down, and I jumped, knowing he wouldn’t let me fall.

The ground below my feet was soft like grass, and the sun’s warmth on my skin was reminiscent of something, but I couldn’t place it.

Aaron slid his hands from my waist and he led me away from the chopper by the hand. Oliver took the other, and soon, I heard Diego join us.

“I need to work on more helicopters,” he grumbled.

“Airplanes not enough for you anymore, buddy?” Aaron teased.

He listed off a bunch of mechanical terms—some I understood and some I didn’t—about how they differed as we walked.

“Hey, if you two are gonna do that, can I take this thing off?” I asked hopefully.

Oliver was the one to deny me. “Not yet, love. We’re almost there, and we don’t want to ruin the surprise.”

I stuck my lip out, trying to make a pleading face with only my nose and mouth showing. The puppy dog eyes were useless with this thing on. Oliver rarely said no to me, and I would use everything in my arsenal to sate my curiosity.

“Patience, love. You can pout at me all you want. All it will make me do is bite that lip.”

I pouted harder. Sooo much harder.

His deep chuckle vibrated through my hand and up to my chest before he leaned in and did exactly what he’d promised.

We walked for another twenty paces—yes, I counted—and stopped when the grass changed to something softer. Sand.

“Ready?” Aaron asked. The excitement was palpable as he thrummed with anticipation.

“Yes!” I begged.

“Three, two, one,” Diego counted down and then peeled the blindfold from my face.

“Oh my God!” I cried. I raised my shaky hands to my mouth and tried to breathe.
