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“I didn’t raise the alarm that you were off camera. I just snuck out to find you before the shift change. Sure, if anyone reviews the footage, I’m fucked, but you deserved some peace after the last few days.”

Aaron, who had been shaking the sand out of his clothes and pulling them on, paused and looked over at my favorite crew member.

“Why would you do that?”

She rolled her eyes and waved her hand in a hurry-up motion for us to finish dressing. I yanked my dress over my head and called it good. It had been our barrier between the sand and our bare asses, so it was definitely worse for the wear, but that was a cleaning problem for future Sophie.

“This isn’t an easy show to be on, and it won’t get any easier. If you guys needed to drink and talk off-camera, I don’t think we should penalize you. As far as anyone knows, you guys were talking about Kayla’s departure and passed out.”

Jess’s walkie-talkie squawked. “Tobias on shift. We’re missing two bodies.”

She sighed, pulled the device from her utility belt, and pressed the button. “I got Aaron and Sophie. They moved into the shade when the sun came up. I’m corralling them back to the house now. Don’t get your panties in a twist, Tobias.”

Jess spun and started stomping through the trees, but the radio crackled again. “Impossible to twist them when you know I don’t wear any.”

Aaron snorted, and Jess’s ears turned pink.

Our housemates were still asleep, and the kitchen was dark.

“I’d suggest you go shower and get dressed before the others wake up and smell the sex wafting off of you,” Jess said as she started the coffeemaker.

Aaron lifted his arm and sniffed playfully. With a shove toward the stairs, I steered Aaron away. He snuck an arm around my back and pulled me in for a claiming kiss.

“Good morning, Sophie girl.”

“Mmm. Good morning.” Morning breath be damned. I had two orgasms last night with someone else involved! Nothing was killing my vibe. This was a day for celebration.

“That’s how we should have woken up.” Aaron brushed some of my wild hair away from my face, tracing my jawline with his finger.

“Last night was fun,” I whispered against his lips.

He pulled me in close for an honest-to-goodness hug, which was exactly what I needed in that moment. After opening up during our mock-confessional on the lawn, Aaron and I had made a real connection, and I felt more for him than I ever thought possible at the start of this experience.

“Fun is definitely one way to describe it. But I was thinking something like ‘sexy’ or ‘earth-shattering’ would be more accurate,” he said with a cheeky smile and a wink. Then his face sobered. “I’m honored you trusted me to be part of that, Sophie girl.” He pressed one last sweet kiss on my lips and tucked me under his arm as we climbed the stairs toward the bathroom to wash up.

The looks we got over breakfast ranged from curiosity to anger to outright avoidance. Oliver had avoided me all week, giving me the space I had demanded. And Diego was glaring daggers at Aaron, whom I had warned to keep his mouth shut about the details as we showered this morning. Separately, of course… at first.

Aaron agreed, especially after I reminded him about what he’d said earlier in our stay on the island when he and Kayla had been intimate.

After breakfast, I hung out by the pool with Viv and introduced her to Norbert as he went sauntering on by. Probably to go find his own harem of iguanaesses to put the moves on. He had that kind of swagger.

Viv asked about the night before and had poked and prodded about something possibly happening between Aaron and me, but I kept my lips zipped. It all felt too new and too fragile and I wanted to keep it between just us for a little while longer.

And honestly, I was slut-shaming myself despite knowing I could do what I wanted with who I wanted. So long as all parties were consenting, of course.

All too soon, Tobias and Jess came to the villa, announcing it was time to welcome the new participants.

While I hadn’t been drunk-drunk last night, I was definitely feeling the effects of dehydration, and only part of that was because of the alcohol.

Despite the tension in the house, I hadn’t been able to stop smiling all morning. But at the same time, it also felt like a giant neon sign was flashing over my head that said: THIS GIRL FINALLY ORGASMED!

Jess and Tobias led us down to the beach while staying off to the side to avoid being in shots.

As we reached the dock, I saw Troy standing there with the usual cameramen on either side of him, filming our approach. “Good morning, everyone!” Troy shouted, waving his hand and ushering us over.

We formed a semicircle on the markers they’d laid out with tape on the wooden slats and looked at our host.

One cameraman spun to focus on Troy as he continued, "As you all know, last night we said goodbye to Kayla. But today, we’re bringing in not one, not two, but three new housemates for you.”

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