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I finally cracked, laughing loudly and taking her shove to my shoulder in stride. I’d earned that.


“What?” I asked, wiping tears of laughter from the corners of my eyes. “It was too good to pass up.”

She twirled her finger, the universal signal for turn around, and I obeyed.

“What is this, and why do you have it?”

“It was a joke. I threw a couple of crazy outfits in here for fun. There was always a chance life would get a little monotonous on the island if I didn’t find my person, so I figured we might need some spice.” I held my hand aloft and rubbed my fingers, sprinkling imaginary spices into an equally imaginary pan.

She laughed with her whole body. Her shoulders shook, and her hands wrapped around her middle, which pressed her tits together again, and I lost my train of thought.

Her eyes were alight with mischief when we gasped for breath and steadied our heartbeats.

“You’re insane,” she said happily. “But I like it.”

“Good! Glad that’s settled. I like you too.” I reached for her hand, and together, we walked toward the bedroom.

Diego and Oliver were standing on the far side of a massive bed.

“What did you guys do?” Sophie asked.

Oliver answered, pointing his flashlight toward the center of the newly constructed platform. “We took down two barrier walls with a bit of elbow grease—and thanks to Diego’s mechanical knowledge—and pushed these two beds together.”

“Nice!” I said, leading Sophie toward it and stopping short. There was no way to get in other than climbing over the privacy walls. “Did you take off the sides with the entrances?”

“Yeah,” Diego confirmed, rubbing the back of his neck and looking down at his handiwork. “Those sides were less important to the structural integrity because they were just screwed onto the base while the others were part of the frame, so it was the safest way to do it.”

Sophie left with our flashlight and returned a few seconds later with a chair in both her hands and the flashlight gripped between her teeth. She spat the flashlight onto the bed and put the chair beside one of the privacy walls.

“There. Fixed it.” She climbed onto the chair, crossed the divider, and laid on the bed.

Diego pulled up short when he rounded the bed, closed the door to the room, and reached my side. “What are you wearing?”

The opportunity to use this joke twice was too good to pass up, but before I could get the words out, Sophie beat me to it. “His underwear. They look amazing, don’t they?”

Diego shone his flashlight on my junk, and it glittered. Glorious as fuck.

“I gotta tell you, as a designer, those areveryin right now. They drive women wild, and only a man absolutely secure in his masculinity could even attempt to pull them off.”

I chuckled at the double entendre, winked at Diego, and gave him a primo view of my ass as I stepped onto the chair and got into bed beside Sophie.

“Ugh, my eyes,” Oliver griped but followed us in, Diego hot on his heels.

“So, how are we doing this?” Diego asked, looking between us and realizing two of us men would probably end up spooning. I wasn’t opposed, but Diego looked like he might be.

“Just lie down, Diego. We’ll work it out,” Sophie said. Her voice was soft, and it felt like all sound was contained to our little box of desire. Still, we kept our voices hushed so they didn’t travel down the stairs.

She patted the bed beside her, and he crawled over. When his hand landed on the pillow beside her, she murmured, “Good boy,” and his eyes hooded with bliss.

“Oh, that’s your thing,” I commented.

Oliver rolled his eyes. “We all have a thing, I think. We should probably talk about that since we’re all in this now.”

Diego nodded, giving me the stink eye for putting a spotlight on his praise kink, but spoke anyway. “I enjoy being told what my partner likes and when I’m doing it right. Praise is a powerful motivator.”

“I like to watch and direct,” Oliver said with a shrug. “And I’m not opposed to group things as long as everyone enjoys themselves.”
