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Sophie shuddered, and I understood why. That sounded hot.

My turn. “I’m into most sensory things. Blindfolds, silky sheets, ice play, wax play, fresh air because we’re outside, or, you know, sand digging into my knees.” I said the last part to Sophie, recalling our night together, and she bit her bottom lip.

Oliver, Diego, and I turned expectantly to Sophie. “I’m still learning what I like, but so far, I’m a big fan of nipple play, worship? Is that the term?” Oliver nodded. “And I don’t think I’m very submissiveordominant, but I haven’t really explored that.”

She took a deep breath. “If we’re talking about sexual stuff, Diego, there’s something you should know.” She lifted her gaze and turned toward him.

“What is it, Soph?” He looked at Oliver and me, easily putting it together that we were already in the know by the omission of our names. “You can tell me anything. I promise I won’t judge you.”

“It’s not judgment I’m worried about. But forgiveness.” She took his hands and stroked her thumbs across the backs. “I have trouble orgasming, and I faked it that night we were together.”

“You faked it?”

“I was almost there, and my disconnect had nothing to do with you. It was all me, and it’s all mental. Someone made some noise on the other side of the room, and it just pulled me out of the moment. I didn’t want you to be disappointed.” Sophie looked like she was waiting on tenterhooks. “Do you forgive me? Until recently, I’d never orgasmed with a partner.”

Diego turned his head toward me, and I nodded in confirmation.

He pressed a kiss to Sophie’s lips and leaned back. “First, I forgive you. Second, how?”

“How what?”

“How did he make you come?”

The flashlights were still on, so I could see the slight blush rising on Sophie’s cheeks. “He encouraged me to get myself there. I touched myself the way I like with his fingers resting on mine.”

Oliver let out a harsh breath as we listened, obviously enjoying the aural voyeurism he was privy to. Diego was twirling a lock of Sophie’s honey hair between his fingers as he listened, watching her lips as she spoke.

“And together, we made it happen as I took the lead and found my pleasure. The second time—”

“Second time?” Oliver asked, cutting in with a surprised tone. “Sophie, that’s great news! Tell us.”

Usually, I would have pointed out that she would have already if he hadn’t interrupted, but I enjoyed having my success drawn out like this. If I were a peacock, my tail feathers would span the length of the room while I strutted around with pride.

Big peacock energy—BPE—I was making it a thing.

“Aaron went down on me, and I told him what I wanted while I gripped his hair and controlled the pressure.”

Oliver’s eyes traced Sophie’s body, lingering at the juncture of her thighs. She rubbed them together, and Oliver reached out, taking them in his hands and pushing them apart.

Sophie’s breath caught, and my cock stirred to life again. Not that it had deflated much since the bathroom, but the sparkly thong left little room for growth, and I was about to have a very big problem on my hands.

“He made you come twice?” Diego sounded like I had just laid down a challenge for him.

“He did. I think it was a combination of being alone, and with someone I’ve grown to trust. The conditions were perfect.” Our girl tried to bring her knees together again, but Oliver kept them apart. He dragged his fingertips up her thighs until they were flirting with the short hem of her nightie.

“Is being alone always going to be a factor?” Oliver asked. His voice had gone husky, and it dripped with lust. “That’s not to say we won’t respect it, but just out of curiosity.”

“No. It feels like now that I’ve jumped that hurdle, it might be easier. Maybe? I don’t know. I had a third that night with Aaron, but none since.”

We’d fooled around a bit since our night on the sand, and though Sophie couldn’t get there, I knew it wasn’t for lack of trying or my skills. We were in a house with her ex and a bunch of other people. She had assured me repeatedly that she loved what we were doing, and still enjoyed the closeness, even without the climax.

I grinned as Sophie explained because I had helped. It wasn’t smug or self-congratulatory. It was more that I’d happened to guess the right combination for a safe that already had an auto-unlock feature installed but hadn’t quite figured out how to push that button. I fully believed this woman could do anything she put her mind to, and I was glad to be the support she needed.

A balloon grew in my chest when she smiled up at me with wonderment in her eyes, making me feel whole and light, like I could float away on a gentle breeze.

It was too soon for all that, but now that we had all talked about where this could go, I wasn’t afraid to hope for that.

“Oliver,” Sophie gasped. “Touch me, please.”
