Page 48 of F*ck You in My Head

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"Before you, I had no good reason to spend more time than necessary in my apartment."

"That's why you have the spare clothes compartment, the mini-fridge, and the pillow in the box back there."

"You want to write an analysis of that?"

She looked at me. "Not necessarily. But I will tell you that some books are missing. On your shelf."

"Change them if you feel more comfortable." She worked in a bookstore, it was probably just her nature to want at least a handful of books everywhere. "Do you think it makes me look more intellectual?"

"You don't need it."

A compliment coming from her? I tilted my head. Did Christmas and Easter fall on the same day, or what exactly did I do to deserve this? Many things came out of Audrey's mouth, but compliments were not one of them. Neither were kind words that came without sarcasm.

She looked at me with narrowed eyes. "So you admit you work less because of me? Interesting."

"I won't say anything about this unless my lawyer is present."

"Amo and Blake would represent me, you know that, right?"

"Amo and Blake are not the only lawyers on the island."

"But they're the best. That's what Kaia told me," she replied.

"Don't you think Kaia is a little biased?"

"Am I biased when I tell you that you are the best banker on the island?"

I opened my mouth. "Who would you tell that to?"

She shrugged and took a step toward me. "Does it really matter? It's the principle, Lei. Not that I'd define you by your job. You have much more interesting things about you."

With every word, I realized she had flirted with me a hell of a lot over the past few years. In her own way. Not exactly subtle, but at the time I hadn't recognized it because it wasn't what I thought it was.

"Will you fill me in?"


This time it was me who took a step toward her. "You're playing with me."

"I'm just testing some boundaries."

"And you think that's wise while we're in my office, where someone could burst through the door at any moment?"

When she went straight to the door and locked it, I wanted to throw something against the nearest wall, that's how crazy she was driving me.

Amused, she turned in my direction. "Problem solved."

"Now what?" I liked it when she verbally led me around by the nose. Building up suspense– and then delivering. She had never disappointed me in that respect, and I suspected she would not fail me this time either.

"Now you're the professor and I'm the student who's been staring at your crotch all day because she knows exactly how big a dick you're hiding from her. Or maybe not. Maybe you've secretly taken a liking to your student and are seizing this opportunity to..."

That was it. The unspoken permission I had never received before. Before she could finish the sentence, I was with her, my hand around her throat. I turned us around, pushed her up to my desk and placed her hands on it after pushing her torso down. I forced her legs apart with my knee– and heard her laugh breathlessly.

Excitement shot through me.

"Do you realize how dangerous it is to look at me like that all morning? Like you're undressing me with your eyes and imagining what's underneath my clothes. Today is your lucky day, Audrey. Because I've decided that you no longer have to imagine. But before I show you, let me make it clear what I think of such behavior." Now I knew why she was wearing that skimpy skirt that ended just inches below her ass.

I pulled it up and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath, held it, and cursed.
