Page 14 of Breeding the Nanny

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So why do I snuggle a little closer to Nathan? Why do I turn my head so Keaton can kiss me? Why do I feel so… right? Like I’m exactly where I need to be?

It isn’t long before Nathan’s hardening dick pokes me in the hip, and he groans helplessly when I brush against it. “Maybe we could start trying right now,” I suggest, lifting my leg so I can wrap it around him and draw him inside me again.



At first, I don’t know what wakes me. I open my eyes and find the bedroom only dimly lit with early morning light. I seem to remember Keaton getting up during the night to take care of Lilly while Claire slept soundly in the center of the bed. I fell back to sleep with a smile on my face.

Now? I’m not smiling—and soon, more pounding from downstairs clues me in on what woke me up in the first place.

And I’m not alone. “What the hell?” Keaton demands as he gets up and pulls on the jeans he was wearing last night before they ended up on the floor next to the bed.

“Whoever it is, they’re going to wake up Lilly.” Claire scrambles out of bed. Grabbing one of my shirts she pulls it over before heading to the nursery.

The banging is soon enhanced by the constant ringing of the doorbell. By the time I’m jogging down the stairs, Lilly is screaming in full force, and my eardrums are about to burst.

A glance through the window next to the door makes my heart sink like a rock. “Son of a bitch,” I groan.

“Nathan! What the fuck? Let me in!”

Keaton mutters something filthy under his breath once he recognizes Monica’s voice. “Is she serious?” he asks.

Right now, all that matters is making her stop with the fucking onslaught that is driving my daughter crazy upstairs. As much as I wish I could ignore my ex until she goes away, it’s not happening.

I fling the door open, asking myself what I ever saw in her. Compared to the angel upstairs, she is lower than dirt. She looks like shit, too, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she hasn’t been home since she went out partying last night. Her makeup is smudged, she reeks of beer, and her dress barely covers her pussy.

“Finally!” she shouts. “What, did you change the locks on me?”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I did. What the hell are you doing here? You have no business at this house anymore.”

“Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you decided to fuck with me,” she snarls. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was still drunk.

Keaton steps up behind me. “Do you want to maybe keep it down? It’s barely seven in the morning. Shouldn’t you be waking up on a stranger’s futon right now?”

“Shut the fuck up,” she mutters, rolling her eyes. “Do me a favor, and don’t act superior. Or maybe we should talk about the number of strange beds you’ve woken up in.”

“Regardless,” I interject, “it’s early in the morning, and you woke the baby with all this bullshit.”

“Whatever. Like I said, don’t fuck with me, and I won’t fuck with you.”

“Exactly what is that supposed to mean? How did I fuck with you?”

“Don’t act innocent. You cut off my card.”

“And the only reason I was able to do that is because the card is under my name. I was being nice by paying that bill every month. I’m not doing it anymore.”

“So what? You’re gonna leave me with nothing? That’s all I have!”

“I guess you should’ve thought of that before you walked out the way you did. Last I checked, you had a nice home with a big yard, a pool, and a credit card I never questioned. You also had a husband and a baby.”

“So you’re punishing me? Is that what I’m hearing?”

“You are out of your mind,” Keaton mutters before walking away with a laugh. I hear him heading for the kitchen, probably making coffee. Good thinking.

“I need money.” And like magic, she softens. Her hard, remorseless eyes fill with tears and her chin trembles. “I have nothing. Do you think this is easy for me, coming back here like this? It’s taking everything I have to admit I need help. And I wouldn’t have to come here if you hadn’t locked the card.”

Because, in the end, she’s always been good at making things out to be my fault. I always figured that’s just the way it was. I didn’t know any better because I hadn’t met Claire. I didn’t know how much better life could be.

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