Page 18 of Breeding the Nanny

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I wonder what else there is to learn about him. I can honestly say I’m looking forward to the opportunity to find out.



Ican’t believe it. I’m sitting here with this girl, watching some Sandra Bullock romantic comedy from way back in the day. Claire swore it was one of her favorites but fell asleep with her head on my shoulder within the first twenty minutes.

Not that I would ever complain. I mean, Sandra Bullock isn’t my first choice, but Claire is. Sitting here with her like this is a gift, one I will never take for granted. I finally get it. I get why somebody would basically hand their life over to somebody else. Their heart, their hopes, their future. I could never quite figure it out. Why take that risk?

Now, I know it’s easy to take the risk when you know it isn’t a risk. I mean, I’m not delusional. In my line of work, especially, I know how quickly everything can change. It takes courage to join your life to someone else’s when there’s no way to predict the future. Who knows if and when fate will decide to step in and throw a curveball?

But it’s still worth it to sit here with her and listen to her soft breathing and revel in her warmth and her sweetness.

She doesn’t stir when Nathan pulls up in the car, and even the sound of the front door opening doesn’t disturb her. My brother and I both hold a finger to our lips—Lilly is fast asleep in her car seat. Nathan frowns a little when he notices Claire sitting next to me but doesn’t say anything, heading straight upstairs to put Lilly down before quietly returning.

“How is she?” he whispers. There’s strain in the way his eyebrows pull together. I wonder how much of his day was spent worrying about Claire.

“She’s fine. It’s been a good day.”

“Oh. Good.” But he’s still standing there, wanting to say something and holding himself back.

I finally have to take pity on him. “We didn’t do anything. I kept her company. That’s all.”

He sits on the loveseat opposite the sofa, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. “I’ve never seen you like this.”

“I’ve never felt like this.”

“I assumed this was all about getting your dick wet.”

“It’s not.”

“You really care about her, don’t you?”

I don’t have to think about it. There’s only one truthful answer. “Yes. I do.”

He sighs heavily, watching Claire sleep. I don’t know what’s going through his head, but he’s not happy about it. “What’s on your mind?” I finally have to ask after minutes of silence.

“I was telling myself to do the right thing and back off. Do you love this girl?” I nod. “And you deserve that. I won’t stand in your way.”

“Hang on?—”

He shakes his head. “You deserve your chance. I had mine, and I chose the wrong person. Something tells me you’ll have better luck than I did.”

“Don’t I get any say in this?”

We both flinch in surprise when Claire sits up and rubs her eyes. “No offense, but you guys aren’t quiet.”

“We didn’t mean to wake you.”

“It’s fine,” she assures me with a sleepy grin. “Here’s the thing. You weren’t trying to wake me, but you were making a decision for me. And I don’t like that. I want a say in this before the two of you decide my future for me.”

We were sort of trying to do that, weren’t we? Nathan sees it, too, wincing when our eyes meet.

“Well?” I ask. “What’s your opinion?”

“It’s not just a matter of opinion. It’s a fact. And the fact is, I care a lot about both of you.” She looks back and forth between us, shrugging. “I mean, I think I love you. Both of you. From the very beginning, I was drawn to you, but the more I’ve gotten to know you both? It only makes me want to know you better. Does that make me greedy?”

“It makes you perfect,” I tell her, rubbing her back. “But don’t feel like you have to say that just to make us happy.”

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