Page 41 of Guiding Blight

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Moon took a bow. She got a weak round of applause. “Taking one for the team is what I do. In the future, I’d be delighted to hump all of our problems away.”

“Umm… thank you,” I told her. “I seriously hope that won’t be necessary.”

“Word,” Ophelia muttered.

Moon turned to Cher. “Should I put humping down on my resume under special skills?”

“Absolutely not,” Cher said in a brook no bullshit tone.

Moon gave her a thumbs up and a lewd hip thrust.

“It was truly fucking crazy,” Irma said with a wide grin. “Haven’t had so much fun since I got cast in the off-off-off Broadway Viagra musical—Have Dick Will Travel.”

“Donotput that on your resume, either,” Cher told her.

Irma laughed and dug into the pile of pizzas that Uncle Joe had somehow ordered.

“As I said earlier, the escape was a bit of a hassle,” Corny went on.

“Understatement,” Irma said with a mouthful of pizza. “However, those freaking Succubi are insane.”

Moon nodded her head in awed agreement. “And I thought my hoohaw was a weapon.”

“Okay,” I said, cutting them off before they went into the specifics of the Succubi banging the enemy to death. My imagination was bad enough. The detailed graphics were something I didn’t need to know. Ever. “Everyone, eat please.”

My dear and dead relative zipped around the room making sure everyone had refreshment.

“How did you make this happen?” I asked him, digging into the sausage and pepperoni.

Uncle Joe giggled. “I texted the order and used your credit card. I left explicit instructions to leave the pies on the porch since I’m dead.”

“Umm… did you actually tell them you’re dead?” I asked, almost choking.

“Whoopsiedoodle,” Joe said, smacking himself on the forehead. “While the truth is I amdead, I wrote that I wasdeaf. Used a little typo to my advantage. I so hate to lie, but figured they’d think it was a prank call if I told the truth.”

“Excellent thinking, Joe!” Corny exclaimed.

“Thank you, friend,” Uncle Joe replied with a wink and a shimmy.

I scrunched my nose and looked away. It looked like something might be developing between Corny and my uncle. I wasn’t sure how that would work since Joe was deceased and all, but it wasn’t my business… thankfully.

Abaddon studied the pages. His expression was perplexed. “I’ve not seen this script before.”

“Me neither,” Cher said, scratching her head. “And I thought I’d seen them all.”

“I’d suggest calling Lilith in,” he said. “There’s a fine chance that the language was written for the goddesses only.”

“Shouldn’t I be able to read it then?” I asked, getting up and walking back over to the book.

Abaddon shrugged. “I could be wrong. Give it another try.”

I sat down on the floor next to the book and lightly ran my fingers over the paper. “How do we know we’re on the right page?”

“You opened the book. Correct?” Abaddon asked.

I nodded.

“Then you’re on the right page,” he assured me.
