Page 43 of Guiding Blight

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“The safe house,” I replied, extending my hand. “Come with me.”

He smiled and took my hand firmly in his. “As you wish.” Lifting my hand to his lips, he brushed a light kiss across my knuckles then pinned me with his dark gaze. “There’s no place else I’d rather be.”

My knees wobbled as the warmth of his breath on my skin made my insides dance with joy.

“That was hot,” Ophelia said as Irma, Cher and Moon enthusiastically agreed.

“Do I hear wedding bells?” Uncle Joe asked with a delighted smile.

I giggled. “Umm… we’re just dating at the moment. I’ll let you know when and if that changes.”

Abaddon’s grin was sexy, naughty and filled with lustful promise. “I do believe you’re supposed to embrace change,” he said with a raised brow and twinkling eyes.

My knees went a little rubbery again, and I held on to him so I didn’t hit the floor with an embarrassing thud. “So are you,” I retorted.

“I’m all in,” he replied smoothly. “Let me know when you are.”

I wanted to kiss him so badly, I could taste it. However, if I kissed him, I knew I would never stop. Kissing was a gateway to banging, and banging my Demon for the first time in a roomful of people wasn’t my style.

“Soon,” I promised with a look that made him gulp. “Very soon.”


At least thirtyarmed Demons patrolled the property around the safehouse. When we arrived in a gust of glittering black and silver dust, they bowed to me in respect. I’d thanked them and took some time to introduce myself to each of them. The group was comprised of both men and women. Abaddon had assured me that they were some of the highest skilled and deadliest warriors we had. That sat very right with me. My family was my world. Keeping them safe was a top priority.

The interior of the safehouse was perfect with my mom and dad in it. Man-mom had been delightedly shocked that it was Lilith who’d collected his art over the years. Both of them were so happy and at peace. They’d decided to make the lovely cottage their permanent home. I’d miss Man-mom living next door with Sean, but the thought of visiting my parents, finally together, at the safehouse filled me with joy.

Sean fit right in as well. He sat at the kitchen table with his laptop open. From what I could tell, he’d written two more episodes ofAss The World Turns,including our new and slightly scary cast members. My brother was the bomb and the fastest writer I knew.

Stella and Jonny had made themselves at home. They were playing board games in the living room, both of them cheating.

“I’m so proud of you, Cecily,” Lilith said after I’d given her a play by play of claiming my place as the Bitch Goddess Cecily. Her eyes had gone wide a few times during the recounting, but I’d soldiered on.

It was a new chapter in the Demon story and if I was going to do the fuck out of it, I had to do it my way. Sticking my foot in my mouth and metaphorically pulling it out of my ass was going to happen from time to time. Hopefully, not all of the time.

We’d have to wait and see.

“What about the Tome of Dark Magic?” Lilith inquired. “Did you bring it?”

I shook my head. “No. But I was able to read it.”

Her brows shot up as she laughed. “Of course, you were. You, my daughter, are far more powerful than anyone knows. Even me. Remember, with great power comes even greater responsibility.”

“That makes me a little gassy, mom,” I admitted.

“You’ll get used to it,” she promised. “Tell me what you found.”

Abaddon had brought the pizza box that had the words scribbled on it with us just in case I forgot the exact wording. He hadn’t needed to worry. I might be a newbie goddess, but I was a seasoned pro when it came to memorizing lines. Acting my whole life had guaranteed it.

“The vessel breathes. The box is within. Find it. Open it. Hope will win,” I recited.

Lilith was perplexed. Her forehead wrinkled in thought as she mulled over what I’d said. That wasn’t a great sign. I was hoping she’d know what it meant.

“The key you gave me doesn’t quite fit either,” I said, feeling a little panicky.

The book was supposed to solve our problem. It seemed it was just creating more. Lilith took the pizza box from Abaddon and studied it. I hoped to the Darkness and back that something would ring a bell for her. If not, we were screwed.

Sean ambled over and offered me a gummy. I passed.
