Page 57 of Guiding Blight

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“You shouldn’t have touched me,” she said in a flat tone. “I warned you, and now you have to pay.”

My breathing came in short jerky spurts as realization hit me like a ton of bricks thrown at my head. Hard. My knees gave out, and I dropped to the floor. Abaddon squatted down beside me and gently pushed my wild hair out of my face.

“I know where she is,” I choked out raggedly.

He waited.

I clutched at my chest. “She’s in me.” I shook my head in denial even as the truth consumed me. “I’m Pandora’s box.”

Abaddon stood up, slashed his hands through the air, and blew up the far end of the sound stage. “Motherfucker,” he bellowed.

I turned to the Keeper of Fate. “What do I do?”

She inhaled slowly and blew it out on a loud woosh. “We’re gonna have to make a trip to the Higher Power and get this shit worked out once and for all.”

I’d gone from being an unemployed actress to a Goddess who had another Goddess stuck inside her. I’d found my mother. I’d found the love of my life. I was accepted by my people. It looked like I’d be acquiring some of Pandora’s people. I had a shitload to live for.

I extended my hand to Abaddon. He was red in the face and still fuming. If I was going to meet the Higher Power, I wanted him by my side. “Will you come with me?”

He nodded jerkily and clasped my hand in his. “There is no place in the Universe I’d rather be than with you. I’ll be by your side until the end of time.”

“I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you more.”

“Not possible,” I told him with a sad smile.

“Let’s call it even,” he replied.


The Keeper of Fate place her hands on our shoulders. “You ready?”

“No, I’m not ready, but that won’t stop me,” I said. “Let’s get this party started.”

Candy nodded. My people cheered and applauded. Pandora’s former followers did as well.

Then, in a blast of orange crystals, the three of us exited stage left, so to speak. We were on to the next show. I had no clue how the episode would end, but I was determined to get Pandora out of me. The alternative was unacceptable.

I had three choices. Do it. Don’t do it. Or, do the fuck out of it.

I chose the last one. And I played to win.

The End… for now
