Page 58 of Cry Wolf

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“I did, but that was after he gave me some lame excuse that they were looking for representation.” He still didn’t buy that story.

“Sounds reasonable to me. Having the AG’s son as their lawyer would stop anyone from falsely making claims against them.” Gabe now stared at him like he was once again reassessing Brett’s motives.

Well, he’d throw him a curve ball. “Did he also tell you that his son used to date Dania?”

Gabe’s eyes widened. “How do you know that?”

This was an easy fix and yet another lie. “Matt told me years ago.”

“I see.” Gabe dipped his chin. “So, are you saying you think Val met with Matt and killed him over Dania?”

“Possibly. When it comes to old love, well...”

“But why? She’d been married to Matt for several years. What would spur him to all of a sudden kill the guy?” Gabe’s cell phone rang. He held his hand up as he glanced at the caller. “This is eerie. It’s Val.” He slid his finger across the screen. “Chief Deputy Marshal Gabriel Jefferson.”

He stared at Brett as he listened.

All the while Brett worried about Dania and where she was. He knew Rex would be nice to her and welcome her into his home, but she had to be sick with worry about what was going on here.

“I did not know that.” Gabe rolled his eyes. “I appreciate your bringing it to my attention. I’ll look into this matter first thing in the morning. Please assure your father that I will personally take care of this.” He clicked off his phone. “If that doesn’t beat all.”

“What?” Brett had a feeling it was going to be bad.

“He said he thinks you have feelings for Dania. That he could tell by your stance and questioning.” Gabe chuckled, but his eyes studied Brett.

Pretending astonishment, Brett said, “Val must be desperate to report something like that.” As the words left his mouth, Brett felt the sting of one more lie to add to the heap.

Chapter Twenty-Four

After climbing down the trellis,Dania had crept around the outside of the house, staying in the shadows, hoping that Brett would appear and tell her not to worry about going to Rex’s. But he hadn’t. She had also stayed longer than she should have, listening and praying not to hear a gunshot. She finally made her way around the house and found a black Chevy Tahoe parked in the driveway. She sprinted to Rex’s house.

As soon as Rex opened the door, a broad smile came to his wrinkled face.

“I’m Brett Rollins’s friend. I know this sounds strange, but he asked me to meet him at your house. I don’t know if there’s something wrong at his grandmother’s place or what’s going on.”

“Uh-huh, that’s just fine. I’m happy to have the company. He’ll tell us what it’s all about when he gets here.” He bobbed his head up and down, then stepped back, allowing her in.

As she passed him, the odor of old, boxed strawberries hit her. The same scent had been on some seniors who had come into the ER. Mature skin declined in antioxidant protection, leaving a chemical compound nonenal. She hoped he was drinking enough water and eating the right food.

Her visit seemed to endlessly drone on. Every once in a while, she could steal a peek out the man’s living room window where she could see Brett’s grandmother’s driveway, and the Tahoe remained.

Rex yawned and glanced at his wristwatch. “My, it’s getting late. How long do you think Brett will be? I go to bed around eight.”

If it was past eight, time had gotten away from her. “He shouldn’t be much longer.”

“Uh-huh.” Rex nodded. “Are you sure I can’t get you something to drink?” The poor man was trying his best to be hospitable.

“Maybe some tea?” She smiled and tried to be pleasant while at the same time she worried about Brett and what was going on.

“Tea.” Rex’s puffy eyes widened. “Good idea. I’d love me some Sleepy Time. It calms my nerves. I get the twitching in my legs every once in a while. That ever happen to you?” He rose and made his snail-paced walk to the kitchen.

“No.” She followed, worried he might topple over because he staggered without his cane.

Once in the kitchen and in front of the stove, he reached for the teapot and nearly dropped it.

“Let me do that.” She took it from him, opened the top, and ran water into the kettle. Placing it on the burner and flipping on the heat, she noticed he’d settled on a bar stool and was watching her.

“That’s so nice of you, my dear.” He cleared his throat. “Tea is in the cupboard next to the stove. Top shelf.”

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