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“I’m telling you, Hunt,” Nathan Roberts says, spreading his hands wide and leaning back against the fender of his Camaro. “It had to have been Stacy.”

“Nope,” I shake my head. “Not a chance.”

“Like hell.” Tyler smirks. “Stacy’s had it bad for you since junior high. Beats me why you haven’t taken her for a backseat tour already.”

“Come on now,” I say. “Why do you have to talk about her like that?”

“That’s right, Tyler.” Jim McMann reaches over to chuck Tyler on the shoulder. “Don’t forget our buddy Hunt here issensitive.”

He puts just enough sauce on the word that the other guys join in a low, greasy chuckle.

“Now, if it were me,” Nathan chimes in again, “I’d have found out who it was without breaking a sweat.”

“Alright, man.” I sit forward and give him a challenging look. “How?”

“Just put my hands up.” He closes his eyes and starts moving his mouth in a grotesque pantomime of kissing, his hands in front of him pawing a pair of invisible boobs. “I’d have that girl figured out in no time.”

“Or at least creaming her jeans.” Tyler chuckles, and they descend into a round of lusty snickers.

I join in, more to keep them from making fun of me than anything else. I hate this kind of talk, but every time I try not to engage, they give me a whole ration of shit. Easier just to keep my head down and let them talk.

“I don’t get what you’re so worked up about,” Jim says, scooping a random rock off the driveway and pitching it off into the grass. “It was just some kiss.”

“Not according to lover-boy here,” Tyler corrects him. “Ask our boy Hunt. He’ll tell you there are kisses, and then, there arekisses.”

“That’s right,” I say, trying to match their tone. “And I can tell you one thing, this was one of thosekisses.” It’s just the bait my buddies need to kick up another round of dark, lewd chuckles.

“I don’t know, man.” Jim takes a lazy look up at the stars, then cuts me a serious look. “As far as I can see, you were handed a goddamn golden ticket.”

“How do you figure?”

“Shit.” He huffs a laugh and two plumes of smoke hiss out of his nose. “You were all over that party trying to find out who did it. Hunt, every girl in the place was ready to volunteer for testing just to get their shot.”

“That’s right,” Tyler joins in. “Now, if it was me, I’d have been like goddamn Prince Charming, lining up every girl in the place to make out with until I found the one for my glass slipper.”

He sticks out his tongue and grabs his crotch with a grunt, and the other two guys lose their shit.

“That ain’t me,” I say, which only makes them laugh harder.

“Whatever.” Nathan waves me off. “Missed opportunities.”

“Yup,” Tyler echoes him, sounding almost wistful that it didn’t happen to him. “Missed opportunities.”

A lull falls over us, and I look at these three guys, each lost in his own sex-filled fantasies. They’ve basically been my boys since we all made varsity, but I can’t help thinking that if we hadn’t all shared the same locker room, we probably wouldn’t be friends. I’m the only one who got a scholarship, and it makes me wonder how long we’ll keep in touch.

Hell, they give me so much shit to my face, I’m sure they’re saying worse stuff behind my back. Not that it’ll matter in the fall. I’ll be in Dallas throwing passes for an actual team, and who knows what’s going to happen from there? I’ve got my dreams, but I know better than to count them as actual plans.

“You know what I’d do,” Jim says, breaking the silence.

“What?” I ask.

“I’d make it my mission to bang every girl in Brightwood before heading out in August. Even if you don’t find this magicaloneyou’re all strung out over, it’d be one hell of a summer.”

The other guys grunt in agreement, but I know that’s not who I am.

Even knowing that, I can’t help my mind from racing back over everything that happened in the dark. The feel of her in my arms, the timid way she started, and the way we descended into something so passionate it left me rattled. It couldn’t have been more than a minute, but I’ve had a hard time finding my bearings ever since.

I’ve made out with my share of girls, but they’ve all kissed me like they wanted somethingfromme. Whoever this was, kissed me like she wantedme.It’s a hell of a feeling, and it’s the kind of thing a guy could get addicted to if he wasn’t careful.

There’s no telling if I’ll ever figure out who this girl was, but after the experience we shared, I’m determined. I’ll hunt for the rest of my life if that’s what it takes to find her.

And once I have, kissing will only be the beginning.
