Page 11 of Second Shot

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It must have hit Ryker too, because his gray gaze turned molten, and I flushed. Something else flashed in his eyes, but he just nodded.

“Yep, all because you didn’t want to ride in Beatrice,” he said, his voice a cranky grumble. I rolled my eyes. Beatrice was his old, 1967 Mustang convertible that he was prouder than a peacock to showboat around in, even though her––its––exhaust was loud enough to wake the dead.

“Exactly! Who the heck names their car Beatrice? And worse, expects theirgirlfriendto ridearoundin a car named Beatrice?”

He chuckled.

“Well, you’ll be happy to know I retired Beatrice many moons ago. Gave her a nice severance package too.” His eyes lit up with wicked amusement. “I replaced her with Penelope.”

I burst out laughing and clapped a hand over my mouth. A nearby patron shot us a snooty look.


Ryker’s gaze lingered on my lips when I lowered my hand, before meeting mine again. The waitress dropped by to take our order and we continued to reminisce over steaming cups of hot coffee.

Well, hot coffee for him, tasty latte for me.

Eventually, emboldened by our easy conversation, I confessed how my dreams of traveling the world were derailed by unexpected motherhood and two failed marriages.

“Honestly, I left town and did everything I promised myself I wasn’t going to do,” I mused. “Lost myself in the process, I guess. Built up a lot of walls since.”

Ryker's expression flickered with an emotion I couldn’t decipher. Remorse, too, maybe? I ruthlessly snuffed out the tiny flame that ignited in my heart at the thought.

His look turned reflective as he regarded me. “I get it. It's not easy trying to raise a family and figure yourself out in the process. A lot of trial and error.”

I nodded. “True. I definitely had lots of that.” Clearing my throat, I changed the subject. “So what about you? What got Mister Billionaire CEO where he is today?” I kept my tone light, hoping to lift the heaviness that descended.

Ryker’s lips curved in a faint smile, those white teeth flashing in the muted light of the cafe. My breath hitched and I shifted on my bench, taking a sip of my latte to keep my hands busy.

“Not much to tell. I was determined to make a name for myself and not be poor. Have a family. Pretty simple. I met someone I thought wanted to do those things with me, but I was wrong.”

He hesitated, and I gave him an encouraging nod.

“Not long after kid number two was born––my oldest was three at the time––she skipped town with a new boyfriend and didn’t look back.” He flagged the waitress for a top up on his coffee and we both sat back as she refilled his cup. “We did okay though, the girls don’t even remember her. My best friend Axel was a lot of help. Kept me sane. And I hired a nanny.”

I winced, slanting him a sympathetic look.

He only shrugged, his face carefully blank. He kept sharing though, and I could tell he wasn’t used to opening up about his past. As he talked about some of his challenges and sacrifices being a single dad, I got occasional glimpses of the boy I once knew.

“So… tell me more about those walls you mentioned,” Ryker prodded suddenly, his gaze curious, wary, and gentle all at the same time. “What made you build them?”

I tensed up briefly at the probing, but answered honestly. “My track record with men hasn’t exactly built trust. After everything fell apart with my second marriage, I swore I wouldn’t get hurt a third time. I wouldn’t sacrifice myself for a relationship ever again. Three years of therapy, and tada! Here I am.”

I shot him a rueful smile.

Ryker nodded, looking pensive. "I get that... but seems a shame to close yourself off completely. I know what it’s like to be guarded though.” He scrubbed a hand over his face, looking as though he wanted to say something else.

I waited and the silence stretched out between us. He seemed come to some kind of decision as he leaned closer and murmured, “Truth is… Meg, that kiss on the beach caught me off guard. I… it made me confront feelings I thought were long gone."

His unexpected admission startled me.

A thrill of fear and unrequited need jackknifed through me, but before I could respond, the spell was shattered by the buzz of his phone. Just like that, his gaze shuttered and Ryker reverted to back to CEO mode.

“I’m sorry, I have a meeting soon, I have to go.”

Confusion sent a bloom of color to my cheeks, but I nodded brusquely, refusing to let it show. “Oh, okay, no problem. I understand. Duty calls and all that.”

A smile ghosted his lips, and he signaled for the check to pay our bill. As we left the cafe, Ryker's hand grazed my lower back, guiding me through the door.
