Page 16 of Second Shot

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These past several weeks had rekindled something between us, our easy friendship, sure, but also an undercurrent of something deeper, something dangerous, with potential to devastate us both. I wanted more, yet I knew I needed to tread carefully.

We both had walls up.

I once thought I’d never want to knock mine down again, that it wasn’t worth it. But that was before Meg walked back into my life, a Christmas gift waiting to be unwrapped. Standing with her in the moonlit parking lot, I couldn’t shake the feeling that what we had was worth exploring, worth the risk.

And I’d be a total dumbass to let it go.

"Walk me to my car?" Meg’s throaty voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"Of course." I grabbed the heavier gear bags, waving off her protests. Outside, the air was fragrant with the scent of night blooming jasmine and rang with the melody of palm fronds swaying under the stars. Sounds of surf roared in the distance. The night felt heavy with unspoken words and the underlying magic and promise of Christmas.

Reaching her vintage Bronco, Meg turned to me, moonlight playing across her pert nose and full lips. "Tonight was something special, Ryker. Thanks for trusting me with your big night."

I looked down at her, the air humming with a tension that felt like a living thing. It wasn’t like me to back off when I wanted something, let alone a woman, but somehow, I reined it in.

Meg wasn’t just some woman.

She was Meg.

My Meg.

My voice erupted in more of a growl than I intended. “It's me who should be thanking you. I don't know how I'll top this gala next year without your talents."

It was a lie.

I fully intended to hire her again next year, regardless of our relationship. This game of restraint was rare for me. I was usually so sure and direct, but with Meg, everything felt like thrilling, uncharted territory.

The corner of my mouth kicked up in a half smile, and I stepped closer, crowding her with my body, wanting to kiss her again, to feel her curves pressed against me so bad I ached.

But it had to be her move this time.

Every fiber in me screamed to close that gap, to claim the kiss I craved, yet a newfound respect for her, a desire to let things unfold at her pace, held me back. Meg hesitated, her lips parting, and for a heartbeat, I thought she might do it.

In that moment, close enough to feel her breath, a flood of emotions surged within me––not just desire, but a yearning for the deeper connection we'd begun to rediscover, a longing for the understanding and acceptance I was starting to realize I'd only ever found with Meg.

But then she stepped back, a wistful look in her eyes. She glanced away, fidgeting with her keys. "Well... I should get going. Early morning tomorrow,” she added, turning to unlock her car.

Disappointment shafted me, but I tipped my head in agreement. I tugged playfully on a tendril of hair that framed her face. “Of course. Drive safe, Daniels.”

I stepped back as she got in her truck. As her taillights vanished, taking her intoxicating presence with them, I realized it wasn't just her touch I craved, but so much more.

It was the laughter, the comfort her presence brought me, the way she challenged and accepted me in equal measure. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I stared up at the star-riddled sky, alone with my swirling thoughts. Thoughts that all centered around a certain hazel-eyed photographer. It was strange cocktail of disappointment, wonder, and determination.

Resolve filled me.

Walls or no walls, I knew one thing for certain. I didn’t plan on this, I didn’t want this, but none of that changed reality.

I wanted Meg.

I wanted her, and she wanted me. We both knew it and I was going to lay my cards on the table so there was no mistaking my intentions. Meg Daniels had unwittingly captured more than just images tonight––she’d captured another piece of me. It was time to see just how deep this thing could go.

No more holding back.

No more walls.

No more regrets.

Life was way too short for that shit.

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