Page 23 of Second Shot

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She didn’t know it yet, but from this point on, home was wherever she was. And I planned to tell her that, as soon as the moment felt right.



Three weeks had passedsince the tree lighting, and the time was a whirlwind of Christmas shoots, visits from my boys, and lovemaking with Ryker.

But he’d been called away over the weekend on business, and ever since he’d left, I’d been spiraling with anxiety. Old insecurities surfaced, and I’d done nothing but pace my apartment restlessly, on edge nearly the whole time.

We’d agreed to take things slow, but the thought of slipping back into "just friends" mode after we’d gotten so close, made my stomach churn.

He was due back tonight and I’d had an entire weekend to contemplate how best to welcome him home and take our relationship to the next level.

When I heard the knock at my door, I nearly tripped racing over to fling it open. I found a startled Ryker standing there holding a bottle of wine.

"Meg? Everything okay?" His brows jackknifed together, concern darkening his gaze.

"Yes! I mean, sorry. Please come in." I pulled him in through the doorway, my fingers tangling with his as I smoothed my flyaway hair.

Ryker's gaze scanned the candlelit living room with curiosity. Soft music filling the air and I’d diffused some essential oils that gave my tiny apartment a pleasantly musky aroma. "What's all this?" His eyes crinkled at the corners with a boyish smile, and my heart flip-flopped in my chest.

I lifted one shoulder, trying to seem nonchalant. "Well, you've been living out of a suitcase all weekend, so I thought... maybe I could make you some space here." I avoided his gaze, nerves kicking in. "No pressure, just... think about it?"

Ryker stepped closer, tilting my chin up gently. His voice was gruff with emotion. “Daniels. Are you asking me if I want to move in?”

I worried my lower lip between my teeth. "Basically? We could go slow, just one drawer at a time?" I held my breath, uncertainty giving my voice a slight quaver that I hoped he didn’t notice.

Ryker's gray eyes lit with joy.

Before I could do any more overthinking, he claimed my mouth hungrily in answer, his hands roving possessively over my body, causing goosebumps to rise and heat to lick along my skin. I clutched my fingers in his shirt and held on beneath the wicked onslaught.

I was sure I’d ever been so thoroughly kissed in my life.

We came up for air, breathless.

"Meg Daniels, only you could make cohabitation sound so damn beautiful and romantic,” he murmured, smiling roguishly against my lips.

I swatted his chest even as I laughed, overwhelmed with so many emotions I couldn’t name them. "Oh hush it, Mister Billionaire CEO. I know my tiny apartment is nothing like your place, but––”

Ryker tugged me close, his voice growing serious as he interrupted me. “Nothing could make me happier than falling asleep beside you each night, and frankly, I don’t give a rats ass where it happens.”

His tone lightened.

“Besides, we can spend half the time at my place too. Get you used to the good life in small doses.” His teeth flashed and he winked.

I snorted at his teasing, but emotion swelled in my chest at his words. I knew his offer was a huge step for him too. I’d stayed over a few times, but I hadn’t yet met his girls, and his home was their refuge.

He’d spoken to them over the phone a few times over the past weeks, so they knew he was seeing someone, but I wasn’t sure how much they knew, exactly.

And blending our lives would in no way be all peaches and cream. We both wore relationship scars and I still wrestled with fears of losing myself again at least every other day.

Yet somehow, Ryker made me feel safe. I didn’t feel uncomfortable being vulnerable with him.

You love him, Meg.

I was floored at the sudden realization and felt the color drain from my face. My gaze widened as I stared up at Ryker, wonder stealing my breath. I let the feeling sit for a bit, thinking maybe I’m just reacting to the moment, but as the seconds ticked by, a deep knowing settled in my chest.

A certainty I knew wouldn’t fade.
