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“Aw come on, man. Mr. All-Business, love ‘em and leave ‘em is actually flustered by a woman. You have to admit, it’s kind of hilarious. Might even call it poetic. Never thought I’d see the day.”

"I'm hanging up now."

“Okay, okay! Fine, I’ll stop ragging you. Damn, so sensitive. All jokes aside, why not just roll with it, Ry? Go with the flow and see what happens.” Axel’s tone was earnest as he continued, “It's clear she still gets under your skin after what, fifteen years? Twenty? Shit, we’re getting old. But who knows, maybe this little reunion could be good for you."

I never liked Axel’s advice, but I relied on it anyway. He was the most brutally honest person I knew and never sugar coated his opinions. I drove in silence for a moment, the childish Santa seeming to bob its head in agreement.

I snorted in annoyance.

"Maybe," I finally conceded. Axel might be right, though I hated to admit it. He’s been my best friend since college. Honorary uncle to my kids. Basically helped me raise them when their immature mom disappeared with her latest hookup and never bothered to come back and be a parent. I’d closed myself off hardcore from all emotional entanglements after that. They just weren’t worth it. Besides, I had kids to raise.

Meg brought out the impulsive, passionate side of me I’d suppressed for so long. A part of me was eager to rediscover it… if I could just get over myself in the process.

Ending the call, I drove aimlessly, no destination in mind. I had nowhere to be for the evening, other than home alone. The cobbled streets of Seashell Cove were lined with twinkling lights and festive wreaths, holiday music spilling from local shops.

I glanced in the window of a local bookstore as I drove past, seeing an attractive redhead bopping her head to a tune only she could hear as she stocked some books. The sign over the door readBeachy Keen Readswith a Santa on a surfboard stuck to the glass.

An ode to the Christmas season.

Glancing yet again at that ridiculous, prancing Santa, I grimaced. Maybe keeping it around was my subconscious way of longing for the freer man I used to be. Maybe working with Meg again could thaw the icy barriers around my heart.

If I had the balls to let it happen.



Subject:Details for West Bay Ventures Christmas Gala Photography

Dear Meg,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to you on behalf of Mr. Ryker West regarding the photography for the upcoming West Bay Ventures Christmas Gala. As discussed, the event is scheduled for December 16th at the Coralis Resort, Seashell Cove.

Event Details:

Date: Sat, December 16th

Time: 7:00 PM to Midnight

Venue: Coralis Resort

Theme: Elegant Holiday Celebration

Expected Attendance:

Approximately 200 guests, including notable figures in the Seashell Cove business community

Photography Requirements:

Pre-Event Promotional Shots: To be used for invitations and social media promotion. These photos should capture the elegance and prestige of the event, with a hint of the unique beachside Christmas vibe of Seashell Cove. We would like these ready within the next week.

Suggested locations include: beachfront, resort exterior, and any iconic Seashell Cove holiday locales. Please provide a variety of shots, including Mr. West in both casual and formal settings.

Event Photography:

Coverage of the entire event, focusing on:

Guest arrivals and red carpet shots.
