Page 31 of Heathens

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Always watching.

Every night. Every morning. Always.

I was trying to be good.

I was trying not to watch it every day and every night like I had.

I had been trying to break the addiction.

But look what happened when I fucking tried to pull away from watching her.

Look what happened when I took my eyes away for a minute.

She had turned the red light on.

Chapter 14


Throw caution to the wind for once in my life. It was time.

My father was the risk taker. I was not.

My father took chances. I did not.

My father was dead. I might as well be.

It was fucking time. It was time I lived. It was time I felt alive.

The night finally arrived, and I flicked on the red light bulb on my porch and waited.

My heart pounded in my chest as I counted down the minutes for my hunter to arrive. I stared up at the beacon of red. My signal that I was game to play.

The rules were simple: the man in the bone mask would chase me, and I had to outrun him for as long as I could. And then, when it was time, he would catch me and we would… do whateverhewanted to do.

I wore a white lace nightgown and stood barefoot—as the rules of the game dictated.

As I waited, I tried to calm my nerves by taking deep breaths and focusing on the task at hand. I knew that once the chase started, there would be no turning back.

Suddenly, I heard a sound in the distance. It was faint at first, but it grew louder and louder until I could make out the soundas a whistle. Singsong-like and haunting. I’d heard it before growing up on Heathens Hollow. But never for me. This time, the whistle was for me.

It was the sound the hunter made to warn its prey.

Eerie, melodic, and terrifying.

The Hunt was about to begin.

I took one last deep breath and stepped off my porch, into the darkness. The angle of the cottages blocked Fiora’s front porch from my view, so I couldn’t tell if she was still waiting for her hunter or if her chase had already begun.

I glanced around, trying to spot my own masked man. The moon shone high in the sky, casting a haunting glow over everything. I could see the shadows of trees and bushes moving, but I couldn’t tell if it was just my imagination or if the hunter was really closing in on me.

My heart pounded so hard I thought it would burst out of my chest. My palms were getting sweaty as I waited for the hunter to arrive. I took a deep breath and focused on not passing out. The game had begun, and I couldn’t afford to panic.

I knew that the hunter was out there, somewhere, watching me.

Suddenly, I heard a twig snap somewhere to my left. I spun around, heart racing, trying to catch a glimpse of my hunter. But I saw nothing.

My nerves were getting the best of me. I needed to focus.
