Page 10 of The Crown's Choice

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Amanda’s cheeks colored slightly as she offered him a warm smile. “Thank you, James. That means a lot to me.”

Emboldened by her response, James decided to seize the opportunity to get to know her better outside the realm of royal duties. “Say, would you like to join me for a meal at a local café? It’s one of my favorite spots, and I think you’d really enjoy it.” He paused for a moment before adding, “As friends, of course.”

“Friends”—the word felt bittersweet on his tongue, but James knew it was a necessary step in building a bond with Amanda. With any luck, their friendship would eventually blossom into something more.

“Sure, why not?” Amanda replied, her lips curving into a mischievous grin. “I could use a break from palace life.” And by accompanying him, she could keep him safe. She wasn’t sure how to let him know that his walks around town needed to stop until they realized where the threat was coming from.

“Fantastic!” James exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with excitement. “I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

As they made their way to the café, James was pleased he hadn’t had to coerce her into accompanying him. He could have a meal with his favorite girl and help to build their relationship in others’ eyes all at the same time.

The warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods enveloped James and Amanda as they entered the café. The place was buzzing with friendly chatter and the soft hum of an acoustic guitar playing in the background.

“Ah, James!” a cheerful voice called out from behind the counter. A petite woman with auburn curls and a bright smile dashed over and curtseyed. “It’s been too long!”

“Hello, Ellie,” James replied, his smile reaching his eyes. “It’s great to see you.”

“Ellie is the best barista in town,” he whispered conspiratorially to Amanda. “She knows exactly how I like my coffee.”

“Is that so?” Amanda raised an eyebrow playfully. “All right then, Ellie, let’s see what you’ve got.”

“Of course! One cappuccino for the prince and...” Ellie glanced at Amanda expectantly.

“An iced vanilla latte for me, please,” Amanda replied with a grin.

“Coming right up!” Ellie scurried back to her station, leaving James and Amanda to peruse the menu.

“Have you ever tried a croissant with ham and cheese?” James asked, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “They’re heavenly here.”

“Really? Well, I can’t say no to that,” Amanda laughed. “But if we’re sharing, you have to try their caprese panini. Trust me on this one.”

“Deal,” James agreed, placing their order with Ellie once she returned with their drinks.

As they waited for their food, James couldn’t help but notice the way Amanda’s face lit up when she talked about her favorite things. It was infectious, drawing him in and making him want to learn more about her. He found himself hanging on to every word, eager to discover her likes and dislikes, her passions and pet peeves.

“Did I tell you about the time I tried to make my own pasta?” Amanda asked, her eyes dancing with mirth. “It was a disaster!”

“Really? I find that hard to believe,” James teased.

“Believe it!” she insisted, recounting the story of flour-covered countertops and dough sticking to everything in sight. They both laughed, and James found himself more captivated by her than ever before.

Their food arrived, and they eagerly dug in, trading bites and sharing stories while savoring each delicious morsel.

“This panini is incredible,” James admitted between mouthfuls. “You were right.”

“See? I told you,” Amanda replied smugly. “But I must admit, this croissant is divine.”

“Score one for both of us, then,” James said with a smile. He only wished she could stop searching everywhere in the café for possible danger. Of course, it was her job to keep him safe.

“Cheers to that,” Amanda agreed, clinking her coffee cup against his. And as they continued to chat and enjoy their meal, James knew he had taken another step toward winning her heart.

As James reached for his napkin to wipe a stray crumb from the corner of his mouth, he caught sight of a young boy, no more than six years old, standing hesitantly by their table. The child’s wide eyes were filled with awe as they darted between James and the napkin in his hand.

“Excuse me, sir,” the boy said timidly, his voice trembling. “Could I please have your napkin?”

James blinked in surprise, taken aback by the unusual request. He glanced at Amanda, who seemed equally puzzled but also amused by the situation.

“Of course,” James replied warmly, handing the napkin over to the boy. “May I ask why you want it?”
