Page 18 of The Crown's Choice

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“Your Highness,” she choked out, her face turning a deep shade of red. She gestured at the newspaper stand, hoping he would understand her panic without her having to say it aloud.

“Ah,” James said, glancing at the article with mild interest. “Our ruse is going well.” He grinned teasingly at her, seemingly unfazed by the news.

Amanda sputtered, her mind racing with all the possible consequences of this unwelcome revelation. “This is a disaster! I could lose my job over this!”

“Really? Over something as trivial as that?” James raised an eyebrow, genuinely surprised at her distress. “It’s hardly the scandal of the century.”

“Trivial?” Amanda’s voice was tinged with desperation. “My agency has a strict rule against getting involved with clients—” She stopped herself, realizing that she’d almost admitted to what the article implied. “Not that we’re involved!” she added hastily. “But you know how these things can be misconstrued. If they think there’s even a hint of truth in this...” She trailed off, unable to bring herself to voice her fears.

James studied her for a moment, his initial amusement fading as he saw the genuine worry etched onto her features. “Amanda,” he began softly, “I had no idea this would cause you so much trouble. I’ll speak to your agency if you want. I’ll tell them it’s all a misunderstanding.”

“Would you?” Amanda asked, hope flickering in her eyes. “But would they even believe you? You’re the client after all. They might think you’re just trying to protect me.”

“Then we’ll make sure they know the truth,” James said, determination in his voice. “We’ll show them that our relationship is strictly professional—” He paused and added with a playful smirk, “Well, as professional as it can be when I’m making you chase me around town every morning.”

Despite her anxiety, Amanda couldn’t help but chuckle at his attempt to lighten the mood. “Thank you, Your Highness,” she murmured, genuinely touched by his offer of support.

“Anything for my favorite bodyguard,” James said with a grin, before adding more seriously, “And for my friend.”

With those words, he began to jog back toward the palace, leaving Amanda to follow once more. As she fell into step behind him, her mind raced with all the possible outcomes of the situation, but there was one thing she knew for certain: whatever happened, she had an ally in Prince James. And that thought alone brought her a small measure of comfort amidst the chaos.

Amanda entered the palace, her heart pounding in her chest as the enormity of the situation weighed on her. The grandeur of her surroundings—the marble floors, high ceilings, and elaborate chandeliers—seemed to mock her uncertain future. As she hurried through the corridors, she tried to focus on Prince James’s words of reassurance, but an uneasy feeling continued to gnaw at her.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket, jolting her from her thoughts. Swallowing hard, she took a deep breath before answering.

“Hello?” she managed, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Miss Carter,” came the stern voice of her boss at the agency, “we’ve seen the article. We need you to come in immediately.”

Amanda’s stomach dropped. She knew what this meant. “Back to the States? I don’t think I can leave the prince for that long.”

“Then I’ll tell you over the phone. You’re fired. Please pack your things and get on a plane home. Someone will be sent out immediately to take your place.”

As she hung up the call, she leaned against the wall, fighting back tears. Her worst fears were coming true: she was being fired for something that wasn’t even real. And despite Prince James’s promises to help, she couldn’t help but feel utterly alone.

She quickly packed her belongings, her hands shaking as she folded her clothes and placed them into her suitcase. Amanda glanced around the luxurious room she had called home for the past few weeks, taking in every detail one last time. She would miss this place, but more than anything, she would miss the friendship she had formed with Prince James.

But she couldn’t face him now, not with the shame of her dismissal hanging over her. Amanda decided to slip out of the palace unnoticed, avoiding any awkward confrontations or tearful goodbyes. It was better this way, she told herself, trying to ignore the ache in her chest.

“Where’re ya off to, Mandy?” a familiar voice called out from behind her, causing her to jump. It was Maria, one of the palace maids and someone she’d had several conversations with.

“Maria,” Amanda said, forcing a smile. “I, uh, just have to go sort some things out at the agency. I’ll be back.”

“Are you sure? You don’t look too good.” Maria’s eyes narrowed with concern as she studied Amanda.

“Really, I’m fine,” Amanda lied, though her wobbling voice betrayed her. “I promise I’ll explain everything when I get back, okay?”

“All right, Mandy,” Maria said hesitantly, giving her a tight hug. “Take care of yourself.”

“Thank you,” Amanda whispered, returning the embrace before shouldering her bag and making her way toward the palace exit.

As she through the hall on her way to the car waiting for her, she couldn’t help but feel as if she were leaving behind a part of herself. And even as she tried to focus on the task ahead, the thought of never seeing Prince James again lingered in the back of her mind, adding to the heaviness in her heart.

A flurry of footsteps echoed through the palace halls, announcing the arrival of an urgent message. Amanda paused mid-step, her heart racing, as King Albert appeared at the end of the corridor. He was a tall, imposing figure with a regal bearing, and his eyes held an intensity that commanded attention.

“Amanda!” he bellowed, striding toward them with purpose. “I require your presence in my study immediately.”

In the study, James was there waiting for her. The king took his seat behind a grand wooden desk and gestured for them to sit across from him.

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