Page 42 of The Crown's Choice

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“Let’s,” she agreed, her heart swelling with a happiness that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment. Together, they ascended the palace steps, hand in hand, ready to embrace the next chapter of their lives and whatever surprises it had in store.

The grand doors to the reception hall swung open, revealing a scene that took Amanda’s breath away. An enormous chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting warm light on the elegantly set tables and the colorful floral arrangements that adorned them.

“Your Highness, I must admit,” Amanda whispered, leaning toward James as they made their way to their seats at the head table, “you were right. This is beyond impressive.”

“Ah, I do love being right,” James replied playfully, his eyes never leaving hers as he pulled out her chair for her. “Now, let us enjoy our first meal together as husband and wife.”

Throughout the wedding lunch, James and Amanda sat close together, their knees touching beneath the table. Neither could take their eyes off the other, their gazes locked in an invisible embrace that seemed to defy time itself. Their hands seemed magnetically drawn to one another, fingers interlocking as they exchanged knowing smiles and shared secret whispers.

“Did you know that the chef prepared our favorite dishes?” Amanda asked in between bites of her delectable entrée.

“Of course,” James grinned. “It wouldn’t be our wedding without a few personal touches.”

“Speaking of personal touches,” Amanda said, wiping her lips with her napkin, “I noticed the band playing in the ballroom. That’s your favorite waltz, isn’t it?”

“Indeed, it is,” James admitted with a slight blush, clearly touched by her attention to detail.

As the meal came to an end and the dessert plates were whisked away by the attentive palace staff, James stood and offered his hand to Amanda once more.

“Shall we proceed to the ballroom?” he asked, his voice full of anticipation.

“Absolutely,” she agreed, placing her hand in his as they made their way toward the enchanting melodies that beckoned them from within the ballroom.

The ballroom doors swung open before them, revealing a scene straight out of a fairy tale. Crystal chandeliers twinkled like stars in the night sky and the scent of fresh roses filled the air. With each step they took, the soft, plush carpet beneath their feet seemed to welcome them into this enchanting world.

“May I have this dance?” James asked gently, his eyes shining with love and admiration.

“Of course,” Amanda replied, her heart fluttering as he led her onto the dance floor.

As the band struck up the first chords of his favorite waltz, James pulled Amanda close, his hand finding the small of her back while the other held hers tenderly. The music swirled around them, every note a perfect harmony that mirrored the rhythm of their hearts.

“James, you’re an incredible dancer,” Amanda whispered, feeling herself being swept away by his graceful movements.

“Only because I have the best partner,” he teased, twirling her effortlessly across the polished parquet floor. Their laughter mingled with the music, adding a joyful melody that seemed to resonate within the very walls of the palace.

Around them, the other guests joined in the celebration, but for Amanda and James, it was as if they were the only two people in the room – lost in each other’s eyes and the magic of their love.

“Your Majesty,” a voice interrupted, causing them both to look up. Queen Beatrice stood nearby, her regal bearing softened by the warm smile she offered her son and new daughter-in-law.

“Mother,” James greeted her, briefly releasing Amanda to bow respectfully. “Would you care to dance?”

“Nothing would delight me more,” the queen replied, her eyes glittering with pride and happiness.

As Queen Beatrice stepped onto the dance floor, she extended her hand to James, who took it reverently, leading her in a stately waltz. Amanda watched them, touched by the tender bond between mother and son.

As the dance came to an end, James returned to Amanda’s side, his hand once again seeking hers.

The dance with Queen Beatrice ended, and Amanda felt a strong hand on her shoulder. She turned to see King Albert, his eyes twinkling beneath bushy eyebrows. “May I have this dance?” he asked in his deep, booming voice.

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Amanda replied, taking his outstretched hand.

As they began to move around the ballroom, Amanda noticed that King Albert’s dancing style was quite different from James’s. Where James had been graceful and smooth, the king’s movements were more energetic and livelier.

“James tells me you’re quite an accomplished dancer yourself,” King Albert said as he executed a particularly enthusiastic spin.

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Amanda responded, feeling her cheeks flush. “I’ve always loved dancing, but I’m not sure I can keep up with your impressive moves.”

“Ha!” bellowed the king, his laughter echoing through the ballroom. “I may be old, but I can still show these youngsters a thing or two!”

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