Page 65 of Roommates

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‘That’s all I have to offer at the moment.’

‘Then thanks, but no thanks.’ He puts his hand in his chest pocket to retrieve the concert tickets. ‘You should go and see Buika.’

I walk forward and cover his hand with mine.

‘I don’t deserve them. I’m sorry.’

‘Do you realise that’s the first time you’ve voluntarily touched me?’ He sighs. ‘Goodbye, Ariella. Keep the gin.’

He grabs his coat and walks out, shutting the door behind him.

‘Did he say keep the gin?’ Caleb pokes his head out of the study. Seeing that the coast is clear, he comes into the kitchen and pulls a bottle out of the brown paper bag.

‘Did you know he had two bottles in here? I suspect young Seth’s intentions weren’t exactly pure.’

‘The other bottle was for my mom.’

‘I knew I didn’t like him, but that’s made me hate him now. Dahlia’s mine.’

‘You didn’t like him?’

‘Nah, too lumberjacky. I bet his cupboards are filled with hair gel, beard conditioner and a whole bunch of products, only to make himself look ungroomed. What’s the point?’

‘I thought he was very handsome.’

‘Clearly not handsome enough.’ Caleb raises both his eyebrows at me twice, pours a shot of gin in a glass and knocks it back. ‘Whoa! This stuff is potent. Try some.’

He hands me a glass. I take a similar swig.


We both laugh.

‘Get us some of your ginger-snap dessert – I’ll help tidy this lot up. Let’s get a couple ofSopranosepisodes in.Don’tfall asleep.’

We settle on the couch and Caleb selects our next episode.

‘I have to go to San Francisco to on-board a new client next Monday, but I should be back on Thursday. Are you going to be okay? Seth isn’t going to circle back, is he?’

‘I’ll be fine. He’s harmless. I should’ve made myself clearer from the start, really.’

‘Look at you! We’ve swapped roles. You’re juggling multiple guys and I’m trying, but failing, to avoid Nicole. I miss having different body shapes and personalities between my hands. It keeps life interesting.’

‘I have to admit, hanging out with different people does widen one’s perspective.’

‘Now that Seth’s out of the picture, are you going to replace him with a new victim?’

‘Seth and I may end up being friends.’

‘Don’t hold your breath. You’re too much effort and Swipey’ll have him shagging someone else by midnight. I’d have binned you ages ago.’

Caleb looks at me as he pops a spoonful of sorbet in his mouth, and we burst out laughing.

‘I just got dumped.’

‘Congratulations. How does it feel?’

