Page 56 of Never Let Me Go

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How did he know about that? I chew on my lower lip, my cheeks heating. I can’t tell him the full reason. I can’t.

“I want to start my own design company.”

I haven’t voiced this wish to anyone yet. It’s been hammering at my head since I left New York, and with the Haven Property job, my portfolio looks fantastic. Plus, I managed to save quite a bit of money while I was in New York. Everything was all expenses paid. But really, the reason I quit was because every time I walked into Haven Enterprises, I was reminded of David. It was pure torture. I had to do it to protect my heart.

David is watching me. But he hasn’t laughed at me or anything – surely that’s a good sign. Right?

“Is your heart set on starting your company here in Chicago?”

Oh, okay. That’s not what I was expecting him to say. When I’m too shocked to speak, he continues. “Or is it something you think you’d be able to do in New York? Because, if you’ll remember, I have a pretty good home office you’re welcome to use.”

Holy shit. Maybe I wasn’t hallucinating him asking me to move to New York to be with him before. Or him saying… my heart clenches with hope.

“Did you mean what you said when you got here?” I whisper, hardly daring to hope.

David smirks over at me. “What? When I said I loved you?”

My heart pounds in my chest at the casual way he says it. I manage to nod, feeling shy – like a new kid on their first day of school when everyone is staring at them.

“Yeah,” I whisper, my tongue darting out to wet my lips. He grins, lifting our clasped hands off the pillow and moving them to his lips, where he presses a kiss to the back of my hand.

“I meant every word,” he murmurs. I want to cry with happiness. “Move in with me in New York.”

Oh my god, he’s serious about this. And I want it. I want it so badly. I chew my lip again and he keeps my hand pressed against his lips. What the hell. I’ve already quit my job. I’m sure JJ would let me couch surf if it all goes pear-shaped in a month.

Because I’m an idiot and a nervous Nellie, I hesitated in agreeing to sleep with David back in New York. There’s no way I’m hesitating now. I can almost hear Andrew’s “good girl” as he nods approvingly at me, and I nod along with him, to David.

As soon as I nod, David’s face lights up and he releases my hand, rolling on top of me and pressing kisses all over my face until I’m giggling up at him.

“Really?” he asks excitedly. “You will?”

I blush and nod again, somehow having lost my voice.

“Why?” His eyes are burning down into mine. I guess he got tired of my muteness.

“Because I love you too.”

Everything else I want to say is cut off as David’s mouth slams down on mine and he thrusts into me hard. I’m okay with that.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


As much as it pains me, I leave Ani in bed, dressing and brushing a kiss over her forehead. “I’ll be back later. I have some errands to run.”

“Okay. I’ll be here.”

I kiss her deeply again, tearing myself away as I step out of the room, snapping the door shut on her gloriously naked body. I don’t want to leave her there, but I have to see Uncle Bill.

Ani’s roommate smirks at me when I emerge from her bedroom, waving jauntily from the kitchen. Fuck. In an apartment this small, she would have heard everything. I’m not used to having to be quiet about sex, so I… wasn’t. Shit, Ani’s going to be embarrassed about this. There’s nothing I can do about it right now, so I flash the roommate a grin and a wink and stride out of the apartment, heading down to the town car that I’ve ordered.

When I get to Haven Enterprises’ offices, no one is waiting for me at the front door, but I know my way around this place. Hell, I used to intern here when I was in high school. We all did. Uncle Bill’s unspoken orders. Or expectations. Or whatever. Cathy looks up when I pass her desk, smirking at me, but she doesn’t move to get up or announce me or anything. Uncle Bill’s secretary, Helen smiles up at me as well, from her desk across from Cathy’s.

“He’s expecting you, Mr. Brooks Westerhaven.”

I bite back a snort. Of course he’s fucking expecting me. They would have called up the second I strolled into the building. Sauntering into his office, I grin when Uncle Bill looks up from his desk, his fingers steepled in front of his face.

Uncle Bill smiles warmly up at me. “David, I didn’t know you were in Chicago. We weren’t expecting you back so soon after your last visit.”
