Page 64 of Never Let Me Go

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I don’t have to wait long. The organ music starts, and Ani’s two bridesmaids float down the aisle in their golden dresses. I smile at them, with Timmy’s reassuring presence at my side. The music changes slightly, and the congregation rustles as they turn to watch Ani and her mother walk in.

My eyes land on the closed double doors, highly polished wood with gilded edges. They open and there she is. My Ani. My heart is in my mouth as she walks slowly down the aisle, her smile wide, clutching her mom’s hand.

I have no idea how I ever thought of Ani as anything other than stunningly beautiful. Clearly, I was an idiot with my head up my ass. There’s no other explanation for it. Ani looks incredible today, her dress all lace and hugging her curves until it flares out at her knees to the ground. She has a floaty lace veil on, fluttering from behind her head. I’m glad she doesn’t have it over her face. I don’t want anything between her eyes and mine right now. Ever, actually, but especially right now.

Ani’s blue eyes blaze out of her face, and mine are burning back at her. She’s everything I could ever want in a wife and if I ever thought anything different well… head up my ass, remember.Not even Mom’s happy sniffles can distract me from the sight of my future floating toward me in a cloud of white lace.

When they reach me, Rachel hugs her daughter tightly, kissing her cheek and taking her bouquet. Letting her mom move to sit in the front row, Ani turns to face me. Finally. I reach out, seizing her hands eagerly, ignoring the laughter from the congregation. Probably led by Ryan, that asshole. Shit. The priest is talking. I have to listen to him. Timmy said that today is going to fly by, and I probably won’t remember much of it. So I don’t want to take my eyes off Ani’s face. If I won’t remember much of today, I’m damn well making sure that the bits I remember are of Ani’s face.

After what feels like an age, and also no time at all, Ani and I are married, and I get to kiss my wife. My hands cup her chin, my mouth coming down hard on hers, tasting and savoring. Timmy claps me on the back, and Ryan and the twins are wolf-whistling. I contemplate flipping them off, but Ani might not like that. I know Mom won’t.

Breaking apart, we beam at the crowd and make our way back down the aisle, sliding into the town car that’s waiting to take us back to the hotel for the photographs and reception. We’ll do the whole receiving line there too. The paparazzi light flashes and shouting surround us, but the driver closes the door on the world, and I take Ani’s hand, bringing it to my lips.

“Not too overwhelmed?” My eyes search hers, worried that she’s changed her mind after that circus out there.

“I’m a Westerhaven now. It comes with the territory,” she giggles, beaming at me. Her smile is infectious, and I grin back. Yeah, she is.

“Happy?” I ask her, smoothing my thumb over the back of her hand. Her happiness is the only thing that matters to me anymore. I want all of it.

“Ecstatic. I’m married to you.”

“That’s my line.”

“You snooze, you lose.”

Chuckling, I lean across the back seat, pressing a kiss to her lips. Unfortunately, I don’t get to keep kissing her, as the car pulls up at the doors of the hotel. Ani giggles as I draw away reluctantly, tangling our fingers together and leading her out of the car through the hotel lobby and to where the wedding planner has arranged the receiving line.

“Showtime,” I murmur to Ani as the first guests appear.

Timmy was right. The day is starting to meld together. I submit to all the hugs and kisses of the receiving line. I make my speech, Timmy makes his, Dad makes his. Hell, Uncle Bill even makes a speech. The whole time, I stare at Ani’s face every second I can. Flying to Chicago to convince her to marry me was the best decision I’ve ever made.

We’ve done our first dance and the three-course meal has been eaten and everyone is now mingling around chatting. No one would miss us. At all.

Leaning over, I tangle my fingers with Ani’s, pressing my lips against her ear. “Come with me.”

Ani glances over, her eyebrows raised, but she stands when I do, trailing me as we sidestep well-meaning guests and slide out of the room.

“Where are we going?” Ani asks softly as I smirk over at her.

“Not far. And we’ll go back soon.”

Ani looks intrigued as I tug her into a window alcove. This will do nicely. I slide my arms around her, my eyes roving over her face.

“You look incredible, sweetheart.”

Ani’s cheeks darken with that blush that I love so much. It’s so easy to bring it out. I’ll never get sick of making her blush.

“So do you,” Ani whispers back impishly. I grin down at her.

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

Ani blinks up at me. “I think Angie is pregnant.”

Wait… what? I stare at her in shock. “What?”

Ani giggles, sliding her hands up my back, pressing herself closer to me. “You asked me to tell you something that you don’t know. So, I did. I think Angie might be pregnant. She’s been drinking soda water all night. And she’s used the restroom a ridiculous number of times for someone who isn’t drinking.”

I blink down at her, trying to reconcile the idea of Timmy being a dad. It’s an amusing thought.

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