Page 65 of Never Let Me Go

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“Anyway,” Ani breathes, bringing me back into the moment. “Are you going to kiss me or what?”

I grin down at her, cocking an eyebrow. “You’re a confident little thing, aren’t you?”

“Well, if you’re not going to kiss me, I suppose we should get back to the party. They’re going to wonder where we are.”

She moves to step away from me, but I tighten my arms around her.

“Of course I’m kissing you,” I growl, lowering my mouth to her. She makes a smug noise, but she’s too busy kissing me back to gloat. Marriage to Ani is going to be so much fun.



David and his blushing bride have disappeared. It’s probably a good thing. They haven’t been able to keep their eyes, or hands, off each other since the ceremony. Another match well-made, if I say so myself. The proud father-of-the-groom, Arthur, drops into the chair beside me, saluting me with his whiskey.

“You’ll have Janet’s everlasting gratitude, you know.”

My eyes skate over to where Janet is holding court, smiling graciously at her two sisters-in-law. Two married sons and, given Angie’s numerous disappearances to the ladies’ room tonight, possibly a grandchild on the way. No wonder Janet is looking superior. When my eye catches hers, I hold up my champagne glass, and Janet beams, toasting me back.

My eyes move over to Sharon, Harold’s wife. Her eyes widen when I toast her too. She sips her champagne, darting glances to where the twins are joking with Ryan. Arthur laughs, clapping my shoulder, and moving off to chat with Tim and Angie, who is drinking soda water. Tim catches me looking at Angie’s glass speculatively. Our eyes meet, and he smiles smugly at me, nodding his head almost imperceptibly. I bite back my triumphant grin. Thank goodness that Angie is happy. I definitely matched those two well.

Cathy, my bold PA slides into the seat that Arthur has vacated.

“Is everything in place?” I murmur to her.

“Yes, sir. Ms. Brindle flew into New York this morning. She seems happy with her accommodation and eager to start work.”

“Excellent, excellent.” I nod, picturing the young woman’s file in my mind’s eye. Max won’t know what hit him with that firecracker.

Cathy melts away as I catch Max’s eye and beckon him over. He drops into the chair beside me, and I immediately click glasses with him. “I hear that Haven Financial is being sued.”

He bristles with annoyance. “It’s a bullshit claim. They don’t have a leg to stand on.”

“That may be so, but I heard they’ve engaged Marley Pickett & Mann.”

That is one of the most prestigious law firms in New York. Not nothing then. Max shrugs, scowling. “Our case is watertight.”

Nodding, I take a sip of champagne and smother a grin as David and Anica slide back into the room. David is now wearing more lipstick than Anica is.

“I hope it is,” I address Max in a businesslike tone. “Even so, I’m bringing in additional counsel. Sam Brindle is one of Chicago’s best litigators. An up-and-coming star. You’ll work closely with Sam to make sure that this goes away.”

“Of course, Uncle Bill.” Max salutes me with his whiskey glass. He’s confident. I wonder if he will approach Ms. Brindle with the same confidence.

“Sam arrived in New York this morning. I’ll have Cathy arrange a meeting when you head back tomorrow.”

Max nods, turning to where Beau and Tim are teasing David, who is rubbing the lipstick from his mouth. With a bark of laughter, Max shoves out of his chair, striding across to join in the ribbing.

Angie crosses to take the seat that Max left. I offer her a warm smile, patting her arm. “I hear congratulations are in order.”

She beams at me, caressing her stomach with one hand, and reaching over and squeezing my hand with the other.

“If it’s a boy, we want to call him William.”

Well, how about that. Suddenly, I’m blinking back tears as I squeeze her hand. This matchmaking jaunt is working better than I ever imagined.

The End.
