Page 33 of Knight

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“No. I’m fine,” I say, although I don’t feel fine. My insides are shaking, and I can’t stop them. Knight glances around before shoving me toward the bike. He puts the helmet on my head and does the same with his as he climbs on and tugs me along with him.

“Hold on tight. We’re gonna go fast,” Knight warns as he revs up the bike. He wasn’t joking when he said that. He hits the road, and we take off like a fucking rocket. He moves us with ease through the streets and around corners like they’re nothing. I just hold on tightly.

We get back to the clubhouse, and he kills the engine before we both climb off. He pulls his helmet off and throws it as he screams, “Fuck!”

“What’s goin’ on?” Ridge asks as he walks over.

“Someone shot at us,” I reply, my voice shaking.

“Shot at you?”

“I don’t know who the fuck that was, Ridge, but it was close, brother. Too motherfuckin’ close to her!” Knight roars as he paces around the parking lot, running his hand through his hair. He looks angry. No, angry isn’t the right word for the way he looks right now. He’s beyond pissed.

“Get a look at them?” Ridge asks as a few other guys stroll out to see what’s going on. Ridge fills them in, and they all form a semi-circle around Knight and me.

“What did you see?” Cage asks, looking to me for answers. I shake my head.

“I didn’t see much. Knight shoved me behind him, and it all happened so quickly,” I tell him.

“She didn’t see shit. It was a car. Older model, black. That’s all I saw. They shot directly at us,” Knight tells him. They wereshooting at us? I didn’t realize that at the time. I thought they were just shooting in the general area. Now, my heart beats a little faster, and my hands begin to shake.

“That shit was too close, Cage.”

“But you’re okay? She’s okay?” Am I okay? I don’t know what I feel, knowing they were shooting directly at us. I look around and wonder if it was Dave. Could it have been him? Did he find me? No. There’s no way he would shoot at me. Would he? Why wouldn’t he? He’s beaten me half to death. Why wouldn’t he just do it and end it all?

My world seems to start spinning out of control as I reach out and grab onto the first person I can.

“Oh fuck,” I hear Tarek yell as I slowly begin to fall. Someone’s arms grab ahold of me, and the last thing I remember hearing is Knight calling out to me.

“Mama? You’re gonna be okay.”

Everything is dark as I’m lifted and carried. I assume we’re going inside as my head lolls to the side. I know I’m in Knight’s arms. I can smell him. Maybe I’m in shock. Maybe my head is just messed up. Whatever it is, I don’t want to be like this.

“Knight?” I whisper his name.

“You’re okay, Lyra. It was just the shock of it all.”

“I’m sorry,” I tell him as tears stream down my cheeks. He sits me on something, and before I know it, water is being thrust into my hands. I pry my eyes open and look up at the guys as they gather around with a few of the girls.

“You okay?” Cage asks as he kneels next to me.

“I don’t know what happened.”

“You passed out for a second. You’ll be fine,” Tarek informs me. I shift and bring the water to my lips, taking a small sip before looking to Knight.

“I need to go home. What if it was him?”

“I don’t think it was him, Lyra.”

“Then who? Why?”

“I don’t know yet. The guys are gonna pull the security feeds and see what they come up with. Let’s get you home, though,” he says. I nod my head as he helps me to my feet and back outside to the truck. He helps me in and then walks around to the other side to climb in, telling the guys he’ll see them later before he starts the truck.



“Thank you.”
