Page 42 of Knight

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“I didn’t really answer him. I feel like I’m too old now,” I tell her.

“No, you’re not! You’re young enough to have a few more if that’s what you two wanted,” she points out.

“I don’t know what I want really. I never thought about having more kids. I thought I was done after the two, but I didn’t really plan on meeting a man either,” I admit to her. She smiles, and it seems genuine, before she reaches over and rests her hand on top of mine.

“These guys are different, but they love hard. If he says that’s what he wants, then that’s what he wants, and good luck trying to tell him differently,” she laughs. I smile at her before my gaze drifts to Knight. He’s sitting at a table with the other guys, looking to be in deep conversation. Slowly, his head turns, and our eyes lock before a smile tugs across his face. I can’t help but smile back.

“See that? He loves you,” she adds.

“I don’t think it’s love. We haven’t even known each other that long.”

“Doesn’t matter. Love has no timeline. Look at the way he looks at you like you made the world a better place for him. It’s sweet,” she says, making me smile once more.

I serve a few more drinks when Yenni shifts on her stool. She looks a little off.

“What’s wrong?”

“Contractions? I don’t know. I’ve had those Braxton Hicks for a while now, but this feels different,” she says.

“Are you going into labor? Holy shit, girl. You probably need to be checked,” I tell her. I would know. I’ve done this twice.

“It’s early,” she says.

“Only a week. The baby would be fine, Yenni.”

“I’m scared, Lyra. I wasn’t ready for this,” she tells me, and my heart breaks for her. I know it’s scary.

“I’ve been there, honey. I know it’s scary, but you got this,” I tell her before holding up a finger and walking around the bar. I head straight for the table of men before I speak.

“I think Yenni needs you,” I tell Cage. He looks up at me, confused.

“What? Why?”

“She’s having contractions.”

“Oh fuck,” he grumbles before shoving out of the chair and rushing to her side. The other guys do the same, standing and going to see if they need any help, but Knight wraps me in his arms and kisses me.

“What’s that for?”

“For bein’ you.”

“She needs to go,” Cage announces loudly, causing us both to turn and face him. He has Yenni pulled off the stool and heading for the door as she curses him the whole way. Telling him it’s all his fault this is happening and how he was a bastard for doing what he did. I can’t help but smirk at the banter between the two of them because I’ve seen them together, and I have no doubt they love each other.

“That’s not gonna end well,” Knight says before kissing my cheek.

“Probably not. She seems pissed,” I say.

“Pissed is an understatement.” We both laugh a little when the boys come out of the back rooms. They’ve been in the gym a lot lately. Mostly Cam, but Billy likes to be where his brother is.

“What’s happening?”

“Yenni is having her baby,” I tell them.

“Why is she so mad?” Cam asks.

“It’s a woman thing,” I tell them. Cam shrugs as Knight chuckles. He’s made the boys stay here while I work the last few days. He hasn’t wanted them at the house alone, and I completely understand why.

“I think I’m going to head home,” I tell Knight after I check the time. I need to get the kids fed and ready for bed before school tomorrow.

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