Page 43 of Knight

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“I need to finish up a few things here. You good to go yourself?” Knight asks. I know he’d drop anything he was doing to go with us, but I wouldn’t let him. Nothing has happened in a while, and that’s the way I’m hoping it stays.

“I’m good. You can meet us there,” I tell him. He nods and pulls me into another kiss that has my knees going weak. I could kiss this man forever and not get tired of it.

“I’ll see you at home.”

“I like the sound of that,” I tell him.

“Good. We’re gonna talk about makin’ that a permanent thing,” he adds. My heart leaps into my throat as I think about it. He’s always there anyway, so what difference would it make? But am I ready to have him living with us full-time? Isn’t it too soon? He chuckles as he looks at me.

“Don’t overthink it, Mama. We got this,” he tells me. I nod my head and hug him once more before pulling away. He walks me and the boys to the door before telling us he will be there soon.

The boys and I climb into the car and make the trip back to the house. It doesn’t take us long, and before I know it, I’mwalking inside with a goofy grin on my face, all thanks to Knight. I reach over to flip the lights on when, out of nowhere, I’m grabbed from behind. Then I hear him.

“How nice to see you again,” Dave growls in my ear.

“Boys, run! Run!” I scream at the top of my lungs. I see them turn their heads to look at me, and then Cam’s eyes go wide. I can see the fear in him as he grabs the keys and Billy and runs.

“You’re making a mistake by doing that,” Dave roars, but the boys are already out the back door. Inside, I’m silently thanking God they got out before he could touch them.

“Leave us alone, Dave. There’s nothing left for you here,” I tell him while he keeps his arm around my neck.

“Nothing left here? There’s everything left here. You took my kids again and ran. I should kill you. I should end you, and then you have no say in what happens with those kids.”

“You don’t even want them,” I snap through gritted teeth.

“To keep you from having them? I do want them.”

“Why? Just leave us alone. I filed for a divorce.”

“You did what?” he growls, sounding more pissed than I’ve ever heard him. My insides are trembling, unsure of what he might do to me. I close my eyes and thank God once more that the boys ran, and I can only pray he doesn’t find them.

“I don’t want this. I don’t want you,” I tell him as he laughs in my ear. Then I feel a small prick in the side of my neck.

“Don’t do this,” I beg him as tears stream down my cheeks, but it does no use. All that comes is darkness.



I’m telling the guys I’ll see them tomorrow when the phone rings in my pocket. I pull it out to see it’s my house phone and wonder what the hell is happening and who the hell is in my house. I pull it out and answer.


“Knight? We need you,” I hear Cameron whispering. What the hell is going on?

“What are you doin’ at the house? Where’s your mom?”

“He has her, Knight. She told us to run, and we came here. I don’t know what to do,” he whispers, sounding panicked. He has her. That’s the part that replays in my head.


“At the house. I don’t know if they left or not. We’re hiding here. She told us to run,” Cam tells me, his voice full of fear. Fuck! I should have left with them. I should have gone home at the same time. My nerves are firing off one by one.

“Listen to me. I’m comin’, Cam. Take Billy into the basement and lock the door. Don’t open it for anyone but me, yeah?”

“I’m scared, Knight.” That’s the first time I’ve heard those words leave his mouth, and they gut me.

“I know you are, but listen, I’m comin’ okay? Just take Billy into the basement and lock the door.”
