Page 53 of Knight

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We enjoy the rest of the game, and just before it’s about to be over, I excuse myself. I walk down to the field and talk to my friend Jake, who coaches the team, reminding him of what I want to do. He nods his head as the boys come off the field before passing them each a card. I watch them run back out on the field and stand next to each other.

“You ready?” Jake asks.

“As I’ll ever be.” I follow them out onto the field and stand next to Billy as he smiles up at me. I know he’s been keeping this a secret, and I appreciate that. He was happy as hell, too, when I asked him and Cameron about this.

Each player takes a turn flipping their card over, and the crowd reads it out loud. My heart is hammering in my chest. I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous in my life.




“Knight?” They chant as I drop to one knee next to Billy. He beams with pride as I watch Lyra stand to her feet with her hands covering her mouth. I can’t see the tears from here, but I know they’re there.

Cameron takes her hand and leads her down the bleachers and out onto the field as everyone holds their breath. Will Lyra say yes? Will she say it’s too soon? I don’t know what the hell she’s going to say, and that makes me nervous as hell.

She and Cam walk toward me, and then I see the tears in her eyes.

“What are you doing?” she asks when she’s close enough to me.

“I’ve thought about this. I’ve debated it. I’ve gone back and forth with myself with reasons why this is wrong, but there are far too many rights, Mama. I need you in my life. I need the boys. You’re everything I want, Lyra. Everything I need. When you were gone, I was lost. I didn’t know what the hell to do with myself, and I never wanted to feel that way again. I want you. All of you,” I say, looking between her and the boys. Billy still smiles brightly as Cam gives her a little shove forward.

“I’m askin’ you to be with me, Lyra. I love you.” With that, she sobs and nods her head. I stand to my feet as we listen tothe crowd yelling and going insane. They scream and clap, and everything is fucking perfect. I slide the ring onto her finger and pull her into my arms, kissing her like there is no tomorrow.

My hand slides into the back of her hair, keeping her close to me.

“I love you, Mama. I know I shouldn’t. I know you deserve better, but I love you.”

“I love you too, Knight. More than you know.”



Icouldn’t believe it when he asked me to marry him. I couldn’t believe he would actually want to be with me and take on the boys. I know he’s been there over the months, but this is different. This is more, and I want every second of it.

We walk toward the clubhouse door with our hands clasped together after Billy’s win. What Knight doesn’t know is that we set up a party for him tonight. His birthday may not have meant much to him before now, but it means a lot to me.

“You happy?” he asks as he pulls the door open and ushers me inside.

“Very happy,” I tell him when everyone screams surprise. Knight looks up and takes it all in before glancing back at me.

“You did this, didn’t you?”

“How do you know it was me?” I ask innocently.

“We don’t celebrate my birthday, Mama.”

“We do now. I want to, Knight. I want to celebrate everything that has anything to do with you.”

“You know my birthday is more than that, right?” I narrow my eyes, unsure what he’s saying.

“He’s right. Years ago today, this motherfucker patched into this club and became one of us,” Cage announces loudly. “And that’s somethin’ to celebrate,” he adds.

“Really? On your birthday?” I ask.

“Yeah. It was one hell of a party back then,” he tells me with a giant smirk on his face.
