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I close my eyes as I let all of my emotions run through me. And there are a lot of them.

Because I just had sex with my brother’s best friend.



The reporters don’t even wait for me to get clean off the ice before they come running toward the team. Or rather, running toward me, waving their cameras. I wipe the grimace off my face and brace myself to answer questions about the game. Not exactly what I want to do when I’m coming off practice after traveling down from LA to San Jose on a tour bus without a single moment of rest, but so goes being a hockey player.

“Great game today, Alex,” the closest one says, mentioning my name with a familiarity that makes me cringe. “Would you say that having a stable romantic relationship has made it easier to focus on your game?”


“Britney White was conspicuously missing from this game,” another one screams at me. “Why couldn’t she make it?”

“How do you manage it—dating a team masseuse? She does work for the Philly Flyers, doesn’t she?”

I look around for something that could clear them off mypath. A distraction, help from the coach, a meteor. But the only person around is Blake.

“Hi,” he mutters, before he pushes past me and the throng of reporters. Some of them peel themselves off me and go after him, but about five are still waving their cameras in my face.

“Britney’s fine,” I mutter. “We’re fine, thanks.”

A dozen other questions come screaming at me, but I’m done. Decidedly pushing past them, I walk away from the ice rink, heading for the door on the other side of the stands that Blake just disappeared through.

I catch up with him just as he shakes off the reporters.

“A good game today, right?”

Blake shrugs, his gaze hard. “You were there. We won.” He pauses, wiping his face with a towel. And then, he adds, “You should still be out there.”

“What do you mean?”

“Out there,” he says again. “With the reporters. They can’t seem to get enough of asking you about your relationship with my sister.”

My awkwardness hangs heavy as we make it over to the changing rooms. Blake had let it go, though barely, after Britney kissed me. Of course, that was before I hunted her down and fucked her until we were both exhausted and sated.

The discomfort in the air shifts to my chest. Blake has no idea about that. And he has no idea about all of the secret make out sessions I’ve had with Britney before we got to California. Seeing as he’s still pretty miffed about the kiss, I’m going to let everything else stay a secret. For now.

Or maybe forever, I think as I glance at his set jaw.

The uncomfortable silence stretches between us until I literally can’t take it anymore.

“Blake.” I stop short halfway down the corridor. Some of our teammates are now ambling past us, so this isn’t exactly the best place for a heartfelt conversation. But I simply cannot take this Cold War anymore. “You can’t still blame me for that kiss.”

Blake’s blue eyes grow icy cold. “I can,” he says after a moment’s pause. “Because you are to blame. I suggested my sister because I wanted to help you. And now, she’s the latest trophy girlfriend in town.”

“She kissed me,” I remind him.

“And I still can’t figure out why Brit would suddenly do that. You detest each other. She must have had a reason. Or you made her do it.”

A frustrated sigh escapes me. This would be a perfect time to tell Blake about his father’s secret, but the last thing I want to do is betray Brit’s trust.

“She did do it for her own motivations,” I tell him. “And I know you’re pissed at me now, but I didn’t make her do anything. I can’t share with you why she did it, but I hope she tells you soon herself. I wouldn’t want you to keep being furious with me over this.”

Blake stares at me for a few seconds, looking like he’s not sure what to believe. And then, he lets out a small sigh.

“It’s not just the kiss.” His jaw is still set, but his eyes look a little warmer. “That’s not the only cause of my anger.”
