Page 104 of The Capo

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My eyes popped open once the noise registered and I fought to get to my feet, racing forward. I had to blink several times, shocked to see a more powerful light. There were men below, but I couldn’t tell who they were. Whoever they were, I didn’t care at this point. I was going to die one way or the other. Quite frankly, I’d rather die trying to free myself.

“Help me! Help. Please. I’m a prisoner!” I stopped long enough to listen, swearing I could hear voices. I was far enough up on the stack it was possible my voice was completely muffled. So I started to bang on the side, still screaming, determined for someone to hear me.

Nothing happened at first. No sound. No indication I’d been heard whatsoever. Then I heard the creaking sound of the crane like before. When I peered out again, straining to see what was happening, I was certain whoever had walked in had no interest in saving a helpless girl. The arm of the crane was heading in a different direction.

“No. No! Help. Please.”

No one was coming to save me. I slid down to the floor again, exhaustion settling in. “Help me.”

Boom. Whoosh.

The container shifted and I gasped. What if this was the monster who’d purchased me? Jumping up, I struggled to see anything, but the lights were now too bright, forcing me to wince. The crane lifted the box. Now it was swinging back and forth as it was lowered. I had no weapon, nothing but an open bottle of water.

I grabbed it, allowing my anger to rush over the despair. When the container hit the deck with a savage thud, I was forced to steady myself. Then I waited, remaining silent. Someone was trying to pry open the lid. I stood back, uncertain what the hell I was going to do. When the wood was finally wrenched, pieces yanked away, I did everything I could to keep my nerves in check.

Once the majority of the lid was pulled free, the light blinding, I did the only thing I could think of. I tossed the water then rushed forward. “No. No! You will not hurt me. Never.”

“Delaney!” The voice was strong, full of relief.

I stopped, biting my lower lip to keep from gasping. It couldn’t be. There was no way. But as the light was finally lowered, I was allowed to see the very wet face of the man I loved. “Francois.”

“I got you, baby. I’ve got you. And no one is ever going to hurt you again.” He cupped both sides of my face, both of us laughing and gasping before he captured my mouth, holding our lips in place.

Within seconds, I heard several people clapping.

“Ah, get a room. You two are… adorable.”

Francois broke the kiss yet held me close, laughing while I was crying tears of joy.

My hero had arrived, saving me.

“I knew you’d come. I knew you’d find me,” I managed.

“I told you, baby. There’s nowhere you can go where I won’t find you. You are my heart. I love you.”

Hearing his words meant more to me than he could understand. And in those beautiful moments, I knew I’d found my place in life and in love.

With the most powerful hero this side of the Mississippi.


Two weeks later…


“This is nuts,” Raven said from beside me.

“He is crazy,” Zoe, Arman’s daughter said as she joined us. I’d only recently met the lovely young woman. She’d purposely returned from college just for a couple of days.

“You know how those arrogant drivers are,” I told them, laughing as I lifted my margarita. Today was a perfect day to indulge in the delicious concoction. After everything we’d gone through during the last month, including the various dealings with law enforcement and the Key West harbor masters, and threats made against the Key West police and the press who’d hounded us for days on end, we’d finally gotten a couple of days of peace.

Thank God the charges had been dropped, mostly because Thomas had discovered that the DEA had already been investigating the South American cartel, realizing that RaphaelAlturo was behind the attempt as discrediting the Thibodeaux family. Even the New Orleans police had been made aware, trying their best to locate the arsonist. Now with the assassin named Slade dead, they were back to square one, Alturo remaining safe in his home country.

That had pissed Francois and Arman off and they’d remained on guard, adding additional men to their security force. I’d found it interesting that their presence hadn’t hindered me in any way.

Or maybe I’d gotten used to being the girlfriend of a notorious crime boss.

Still, it was difficult to believe what a whirlwind the last two weeks had been.
