Page 43 of The Capo

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Huffing, I took a single step away then held out my hand. “Give me your phone.”

It was obvious she wasn’t expecting my demand given the way her eyebrows shot up. “Why?”

“Because I asked you to.”

“You’re going to invade every aspect of my personal life. Aren’t you?” She yanked it from the pocket of her dress, slapping it into my hand.

An iPhone. Easily hacked, which was something few people understood. I’d need to get her a burner phone. I slipped my finger across the screen and she continued staring at me. “The code?”

She grinned, venom dripping from her mouth when she answered. “All sixes.”

It was likely she wanted me to challenge her. I refused to play her games any longer. “I’m programming in my phone number. If anything out of the ordinary ever happens or you feel as if there’s something wrong, call or text me. I don’t care if it turns out to be nothing. Do I make myself clear?”


The woman loved being a ballbuster. Too bad she’d yet to figure out I could handle her with ease. After adding in the contact, I scrolled to find hers, making mental note of it to program into mine later. Then I took a quick look at her recent calls. Goddamn, her agent had indeed been hassling her. That pissed me off.

“Give that back to me.” Delaney snatched it from my hand, hissing when I refused to budge.

“The call or text you make might be your only lifeline.”

“Oh, wow. You’re immortal. Right? Do you own a cape as well, superhero?”

Goddamn it, she was pushing every button possible.

She shoved her hands against me, racing toward the stairs. The game she played pulled at everything inside of me, the need increasing, but I had to ensure that she was completely aware and accepting of the fact I was in full control, that this situation wasn’t a game. I had a very bad feeling that the warning she’d been sent would only escalate.

I yanked her arm the moment she placed her hand on the banister of the stairs, planting my foot on step number two then tossing her over my knee.

“Let go of me, you beast.”

Every word out of her mouth dripped of hatred, but the spark we shared kept the fighting spirit deep inside. The sadistic side of me wanted to break her. The realistic one knew better than to try to do so. I yanked up her dress, exposing her G-string, bringing my hand down from one side of her exposed bottom to the other.

“No. No! Stop.” She wiggled in my hold, kicking out, tossing her arm back as if she could stop my actions. I wrenched her arm against the small of her back, pressing and holding her down, easily taking full control. The spanking continued, the brutal sounds of my palm slapping against her skin something that would echo in my ears for some time to come.

“Not until you learn that you’re in danger.”

She said nothing, only groaning her response as I issued six then eight in a row. She needed the fight drawn from her, if only for a night. Finally, she stopped kicking, taking deep but ragged breaths instead.

I caressed her heated skin, curling then flexing my fingers. The scent of her was far too much of a draw, my needs increasing.She wiggled and moaned as I continued the spanking, but within seconds the scent of her desire was obvious.

It took everything I had not to finger her sweet pussy.

This had to stop right now. I closed my eyes, doling out six more before righting her onto her feet, holding both arms. “I made your father a promise I intend on keeping. Work with me.”

Her look switched from longing to confusion then back to the hatred I’d seen before. I had to remind myself that it was best. Crossing the line could get us both killed.

“All you do is hurt people,” she said quietly. The way she issued the statement was done from a very personal place, as if the last time we’d seen each other I’d done something to offend her.

I had no idea what that could be. Right now, she reminded me just how young and vulnerable she was, although with all the madness she’d been through, her strength had shone through.

“As I said, you don’t know what I’m capable of, Delaney.” Maybe I didn’t either.

The sound of Sadie barking behind us immediately softened me enough I almost let go. But I squeezed for a few more seconds to ensure she accepted the fact I was the one in charge and would be for as long as necessary.

When Sadie tried to come between us, Delaney darted her eyes away from me. That didn’t change the electricity or the burning need.

“Do you hurt her too?” she asked. “Do you make her feel miserable, shoving her away and making her feel as if she’s nothing but a hindrance?”
