Page 48 of The Capo

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The timing was bad. I’d been in the house until just after Brandon had left, which was a little after six-thirty. She’d gone back upstairs, light yet to drift over the horizon at that point. It would have been the best time for someone to get inside, but how? They’d been watching the place, waiting for the right time. They had plenty of vantage points, which was the reason I hadn’t wanted to stay in the first place. All they’d need was night vision goggles to know who was coming and going. That was standard equipment for assassins.

An assassination attempt on my life.

Threats made to the family.

Now this.

The asshole responsible was definitely upping the ante.

“Yeah, do that. Come on. Let’s get you closer to the house,” I told her, trying to calm the rage in my voice.

“What if he’s inside?” Hers was pitiful, as if all the life had been sucked out of her.

“I doubt that’s the case. My men are checking the house and the grounds. I need to ask you some questions. How did you know something was wrong?”

She pulled away again, crouching down and wrapping her arms around Sadie’s neck. “The baby alerted me. She growled so I knew something had to be wrong.”

“Why the fuck didn’t you call me?” As soon as I spouted off the words in frustration, Rocco moved in front of me, giving me a hard look. I knew what he was trying to say.Go easy on her.Yeah? Well, the woman needed to learn not to engage in risky behavior. Fuck me. If someone had gotten inside the garage orthe house, that meant he knew all about the security and how it worked. There was no chance of protecting her here.

“Because I left my phone upstairs. I thought the house was secure. I’m sorry I doubted you and fought you. I’m just…” She closed her eyes, squeezing the pup’s neck. Sadie’s tail constantly thumped, but the fact she no longer appeared in distress meant the perpetrator was long gone.

Unfortunately, his calling card was throwing the fact the persons responsible held all the cards at this point in my face.

“He followed me,” she said more quietly.

“Why do you think that?”

“I’d forgotten but I received roses on a shoot. White roses. But they were old, half dead already. I don’t know why I forgot all about that.”

Jesus. I glanced at Rocco, and he opened his eyes wider. If there was a connection, it might be the confirmation I needed that the various threats had been geared toward my family alone, trying to get at me any way possible.

“Rocco, have the men sweep the grounds.” I needed a few minutes to talk to her.

“You got it, boss.”

While he moved away, I gathered her into my arms, constantly scanning the area. “Talk to me. Why didn’t you mention this to your father or to me earlier?”

“Because I’ve had schmucks send me gifts of all kinds. I even had a sheik send me a ruby necklace once. Of course, he expectedme to perform some particular sexual escapades with him, but contrary to popular belief, I’m not for sale.”

Ouch. Well, I deserved the snarky comment.

“Is there anything else you’ve forgotten to tell me? Any other odd gifts? Threats?”

“Nothing that I can think of. Other than I had a feeling I was being watched in the airport.”

She likely had been, whoever had been hired told to watch her closely. That meant they were fully aware she’d returned home.

“As I told you before, whether you want to or not, you need to place your trust in me. Can you try and do that?” I asked, trying to keep my tone comforting.

“Yes. Maybe it’s because of the past and what we shared together, but I trust you almost more than anyone.”

“Good, now come on. We’re not staying at your father’s house any longer. It’s too risky. Do you understand why?”

She nodded, still reaching for Sadie. “Yes. How did the mystery person get in?”

“I don’t know, but I will figure it out. That much I promise you. Keep in mind, we don’t know it was the man responsible for Ginny’s death.” But I could bet on it. By what she’d just told me about the flowers, I would also bet that the incidents were coiled together tightly. In the old days, the enemies came right out and made their presence known. Now, they played fucking games like children.

“He’s trying to kill me to get to you,” she said, all emotion gone from her voice.

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