Page 73 of The Capo

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“My dog is still inside that fucking house. I will find her!” I bent over, taking gasping breaths. The fire was too damn hot, the flames everywhere. There was no possibility this had been an accident, the flames burning quickly. That meant an accelerant had been used. Goddamn it. What if we’d been inside?

“We’ll look for her, sir. You need to stay outside where it’s safe.”

I gasped for air, doing my best to scan the area, noticing Rocco was racing in my direction.

“Jesus,” he said. He was covered in soot. “What in the fuck is going on here?”

“Arson. Somebody torched the house.”

“Yeah, I can see that. Where’s Daniel?”

I wiped my mouth, rubbing my eyes with my forearm. “With Delaney.”

“Are you sure about that, boss? Daniel was screaming for the firefighters when I arrived.”

What the fuck? I immediately reacted, shoving my way through the men and women trying to save what was left of my wreck of a house. “Daniel. Where the fuck are you?” I finally noticed him, the exasperated look on his face sending cold chills down my spine. When I reached him, I jerked him back by a couple of feet. “Where’s Delaney?”

“I don’t know. She ran into the fire. She thought she heard Sadie. I couldn’t stop her. I tried, boss. I swear to God.”

Without hesitation, I cold cocked the man, sending him reeling. Rocco caught him, giving me a hard look. “Calm down,” Rocco told me.

“You had one job,” I hissed, pointing a finger in Daniel’s face. “One!”

“This isn’t helping,” Rocco insisted.

“What the fuck did she go? Where? Show me where!” The estate was massive, the wings on the seven thousand square foot property meaning she could be lost in the darkness. Everything was collapsing, the roof almost totally gone.

“To the left past the firefighters. There’s more, boss,” Daniel continued. “Two of our men are dead, shot between the eyes.”

I raked my hand through my hair. “I need to find her, Rocco. I can’t lose her. I just can’t.”

“It’s too hot. It’s?—”

“I don’t give a fuck! I did this. I pulled into my world of danger. I am going to save her. Do you understand me?” I interrupted, my rage reaching an uncontrollable stage.

“I’ll take you to where I saw her go in,” Daniel offered.

“Find out what the hell is going on, Rocco. Get more soldiers down here. Now. Surround this fucking place.”

“You got it, boss,” Rocco snarled.

Daniel led me around to the other side of the house through the maze of firefighters, the professionals finally making headway. I continued to be shocked how much damage had been done. Christ. We’d been gone for two hours and there was this much destruction?

“She went through there. I swear to God, I tried to stop her.”

“Yeah, I heard you the first time. I’m going to find her.” I noticed a flashlight on the ground and raced toward it, yanking it into my hand. “Make sure the perimeter is secure!” I commanded Rocco before heading toward the house.

“Yes, sir.”

“Hey!” an unknown male voice called. “You can’t go in there. It’s too unstable.”

“Like hell I can’t.” I raced inside, flashing the beam from one side of the destroyed room to another, pushing my way through debris. I could hear pieces of wood falling, parts of the ceiling caving in. Something smashed down across my shoulders, pitching me forward and onto the floor.

Nothing was going to stop me at this point. I would save her. Then I would burn down the city if necessary to find the personresponsible. It was time to make a statement that our enemies would never forget.


Everything was eerie and even with the beam of light, the foggy haze of smoke prevented me from seeing anything more than a couple of feet away. I knew it was dangerous, reckless to be here, but it didn’t matter. I would die in order to save the woman I loved.
