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This was my fix. But I knew the moment we parted ways, that chasm would open inside me. Everything good and light would disappear into the dark shadows that plagued my soul. It was my penance for the way I treated him. The pain, the torture, all self-imposed.

“Cas,” Reed breathed. I hadn’t realized I wasn’t moving, too lost in my thoughts.

The grind was slow and sinful. While my body wanted to push hard, my heart wanted to drag it out forever. It was the part of me that suffered most, after all.

Leaning back, I coasted my hands down Reed’s sides, caressing his soft skin. I had to touch him, had to tether myself to this moment, so I didn’t float away and dream about this being a daily reality.

“You’re so beautiful, Reed,” I murmured, not stopping the movement of my hips against his ass. “You take me like you were meant to be mine.” I slammed into him hard, drawing a moan up his throat and past his lips. “Do you like that, my love? Do you like the way my dick pegs you just right?” The term of endearment slid off my tongue like it did nearly every time we were like this. Calling him that was as simple as breathing. With his flesh in my hands and my name on his lips, he was everything. I was certain he thought it was a sex-induced saying on my part. It was anything but.

“Make me come.”

I slapped the side of his ass. “You know better than to give me commands.” I pushed in all the way, pressed my skin as tightly to his as I could. Reaching around, I gripped his throat. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt him. More of a simple reminder of who was in charge. “You’re mine, Reed. All fucking mine.”

He nodded the best he could while his chest rose and fell rapidly.

“Tell me. I want to hear the words again.” I parted my lips and licked his sweat slicked shoulder.

“I’m yours, Cas. Forever yours.”

“That’s right, my love. Now, you’re going to be good and come when I tell you, right?”

Another quick nod.

“Perfect.” I released his throat and started pounding him. The sound of skin slapping echoed throughout the kitchen. I was so far gone, nothing mattered but finding our release. He wasn’t coming until I said so though.

My orgasm kept building until I was close to blowing. The hand I had around Reed’s throat went to his dick. I wrapped it around him and gave a few rough tugs before leaning forward and whispering, “Come.”

Reed let go as I kept pumping him in time with my thrusts. He called out my name, a sweet symphony for me, while his cum painted the cabinets and his body shook with pleasure.

I gave him everything I had as I chased my release. So fucking close.

A sharp gasp from my right had my head turning quickly. Elic stood in the kitchen with his hand on Starry’s scruff to keep her in place. His lips were parted, his eyes on us.

“Fuck,” I groaned as my orgasm slammed into me. My gaze remained on Elic while my cum filled Reed. I always came hard with Reed, but with Elic watching, it was like lightning shot through my dick and balls, jolting me, intensifying the experience.

My fingers would leave bruises on Reed’s hips, but I couldn’t seem to stop thrusting, couldn’t take my eyes off Elic. I wasn’t sure if Reed knew Elic was here or not. Either way, at that moment, there was a monumental shift. A shift that would change everything.



Well, to say that night, or morning if I was being technical, ended spectacularly would be wrong. Elic fled to his room. I couldn’t exactly go after him with Casper’s cock in my ass. And Casper waited until he caught his breath, gently cleaned me up, then he was gone too.

Had we spoken about what happened? Nope. Not any of us. Not in the two days since I was caught with my stepbrother fucking me in my kitchen.

I’d had enough. I was tired of being in this house. Tired of the not talking. While Casper and I weren’t saying much before, at least I had Elic. Now I had neither of them. We existed in the same space but didn’t speak.

Elic was currently learning how to bus tables at the restaurant my family owned, Ashford’s Steakhouse. He said he was fine being around people. It was mostly big men he had an issue with, except for Casper. After speaking to my sister, who wore many hats at the restaurant, she thought busing tables would be the best fit. Elic would go out after the tables emptied and wouldn’t have to talk to anyone. It gave him a job, which he needed. When there weren’t tables to clear, he could help in the kitchen. With his foot healing nicely and the pain gone, he was ready to move around again.

My house was quiet. I didn’t know where Casper had gone off to. About an hour ago, I sent a text through the band’s group chat and told them to come to the restaurant for a session. There was a stage on the far side where we’d been known to drop in. What better time than a Saturday night crowd?

We’d had over a week off. It was time to get back in the groove. We had new music to create and a label who expected a new album.

I’d written some lines down in the past few days, nothing I could build on yet. It was just out of reach. No matter what I did, I couldn’t grasp it. Slater and I usually teamed up to write songs. Dash was happy to play whatever we came up with. Casper was grumpy as fuck, but that was kind of his default.

Everything was weird now. Casper was staying with me, going into the city when he needed something from his place. He’d brought an extra guitar here. I could hear him strumming late at night. It wasn’t loud. Chords of music that were hauntingly beautiful but nothing I could put lyrics to.

My phone lit up with an incoming call, Flynn’s name appearing on the screen. He was our manager but felt more like a good friend.
