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The grin Casper wore when he finally released me, tucked his dick back into his ruined shorts, and stood, was enough to trigger my own smile.

I leaned my head on Reed’s shoulder and caught a glance at the windows facing us. A laugh burst out of me as I saw Starry happily watch us with her tongue hanging out. “We have an audience.”

Casper turned. “Better her than a photographer.”

“Even if they caught us doing this, we blocked you for the most part,” Reed said.

“Except when you used your foot to get him off,” I added. “That was hot, by the way.”

Reed laughed. “It was a new one for me too. I’ll have to do that again.” He nipped at the skin along my neck. “Maybe to both of you.”



Fucking Reed. He was right, but still. I had to talk to Slater if we wanted to put this mess behind us. The two of them made up, although Reed was adamant about Slater apologizing to me too. At this point, was it even necessary? If Reed was happy, I could deal with Slater.

Reed asked me to invite Slater over in between deep throating me. He’d pop off my dick long enough to get half a sentence out before diving back in, because he knew I’d do anything for him when he was like that. Hell, I’d do anything for him anyway.

As I paced along the spotless floor, I thought about selling the penthouse. That was if Reed and Elic wanted me with them full time. I’d hardly been here except when I drank myself stupid. This didn’t feel like home, never had. But Reed’s house with him and Elic in it, that was warmth and comfort, andhome.

I had to do something though. I couldn’t keep hanging on to this place when I saw it as nothing more than a box that held awful memories. How many times had I come here to escape Reed? To drag myself away from him so I didn’t cause him more pain? I had Reed and Elic now. I didn’t need this any longer.

With my phone in hand, I sent a quick text to them, asking if they could meet me here in a half hour. I didn’t think Slater and I would have an in-depth, never-ending talk. Thirty minutes should be plenty of time to get our shit out of the way and move on.

The front door clicked, letting me know Slater had arrived. His sneakers padded softly over the floor until he came into view. Hands shoved into his jeans pockets; his shoulders were hunched when he met my eyes.

“How much weight have you lost?” I asked before thinking better of it. “You look like a damn ghost.”

His mouth twitched but the smile didn’t fully form. “Dash calls me a vampire. At least I left his house so that counts for something.”

I nodded. “He said you’re staying with him.”

“I couldn’t go home, didn’t want to be alone anymore.”

“Slater, you don’t have to—”

“I do,” he rushed to say and got closer, stopping when he was a few feet away. “Fuck, Cas, what I said to you… I shouldn’t have. I didn’t think before I let the words fly. It was wrong. You’ve been so good to me over the years, always there when I needed you. To lash out at you like that was—”

“Appropriate,” I said, cutting him off. “I’ve said and done a lot of things I’m not proud of.”

“You didn’t abuse Reed.”

Shrugging, I replied, “Whatever happened, I’m trying to put it in the past. I have to be better for both of them.”

“I’m sorry I made the doubt you have even worse. You like to put on this front where everyone thinks you’re a tough guy with only one setting—pissed. But when you’re not out in the world, not putting on a show, you’re a genuine person who cares so much, yet you keep it locked inside. Believe me when I say I know a lot about that. It’s not good to do. It will eat you alive.”

“You love him.” There was no question. We both knew the truth of my words. By talking about it, maybe he could put it behind him like I was trying to with what I’d done to one of the men I loved.

“I do, but I won’t act on it. He doesn’t belong with me. A part of me has always known that, but I couldn’t help being drawn to him. He’s so good and looks at the world in a way few do.”

“He’s still your friend—one of your best friends.”

Slater nodded. “I’m grateful he forgave me after what happened.” Dropping his chin to his chest, he toed his sneaker over the floor.


