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“No,” Tristan interrupted me. “I want to do this on my own. I’ve been with Oscar for a while and want to find my footing again, but thank you.”

I nodded, understanding where he was coming from. It was important to have the ground firmly under you after being through what he had. My stepfather might not have abused him, but he did use him. “Can I give you my number at least?”

Tristan smiled. “I’d like that.”

We exchanged numbers. Texting was about the only thing I did on this phone, outside of making the random call. Reed kept trying to show me all the things it could do. The only app I’d caved to was one where I could listen to their music. When I was in the kitchen at work on dish duty, I put earbuds in and would drown everything out but the sound of Reed’s voice in my ears and the music the band played.

Casper and I stood next to each other as Tristan turned his car around and left. I meant it when I said I’d like to keep in touch with him. It might take me a bit to warm up to him, but he seemed like he could use someone to talk to.

The door by the patio opened. I turned to find Reed coming toward us. He put his arms around me and asked if I was okay.

“If you were worried you could have come down here,” I told him.

“He was happy up there,” Casper said. “Looking out for you.”

Reed shoved him playfully while keeping an arm around me. “I knew you could handle anything that happened. Besides, I didn’t want Tristan to feel more uncomfortable than he already was. I thought he was going to chew his thumbnail off from nervousness.”

“He just needs a friend,” I told them.

“Funny thing, I forgot to mention,” Reed began. “When I was at Dash’s the other day, Slay told me he thinks Dash likes Tristan.”

“What do you mean he likes him?” Casper asked.

“You know… He’s interested in him.”

“What is this, high school? Who says shit like that?”

Reed rolled his eyes. “Can you not analyze how I’m phrasing it and see the point I’m making? What if Dash has a crush?”

“Oh my god, I think that’s worse. Who the fuck says crush at our age?”

I grinned. “I was kinda crushing on both of you. You were hot rock stars and I was sleeping in the same house as you.”

Casper stepped closer, wrapping one arm around me and the other around Reed. “And look how well that worked out for you.”

“Not too bad for me at all.”

With the two of them pressed against me, I quickly grew hard and could feel them doing the same. Casper glanced around. We were isolated here. Far enough from the farm where they couldn’t see us and the same from the road unless someone drove by with binoculars, which there were famous people who lived here so who the hell knew.

Dropping to his knees, turning Reed and me so he was blocked, Casper, drew my shorts down enough to where my dick popped free and quickly sucked me deep into his mouth.

“Holy fuck,” I hissed and reached for his shoulder while my other hand gripped Reed’s arm. If I didn’t hold on to them, my knees would buckle, and I’d slip from Casper’s mouth, which was the last thing I wanted to do.

Reed gripped the back of my neck and turned me slightly so he could devour my mouth. Everything happened so fast, not that I was complaining. I had both of their mouths on me, both owning me.

When Casper popped off my dick, I broke my kiss with Reed to watch Casper pull Reed’s dick out next. He swallowed while grasping me and started to jerk me off.

Reed’s bare foot lifted from the ground and pressed against the bulge in Casper’s shorts. After a few tries, he was able to get his foot hooked inside to drag Casper’s shorts down, though not all the way.

Deciding to help him out, Casper pulled his dick out with his free hand then immediately released it, allowing Reed to be there again, pressing his foot against Casper’s dick.

“I didn’t realize feet could be so hot,” I muttered.

A chuckle came from Reed but was soon drowned out by a long moan. He held on to me and Casper to keep himself upright while he worked his foot over Casper’s leaking dick. Casper didn’t let up on sucking Reed’s dick. The sounds he made were for us and us alone.

Reed came with a soft cry, his eyes squeezing shut as his chest rose and fell. I was so enthralled watching Reed come; I didn’t realize right away Casper was coming as well. Cum shot in ropes from him, coating his shirt and shorts, splashing Reed’s toes. Fuck, I was going to have a foot fetish after this.

Not missing a beat, Casper dove for me after swallowing what Reed gave him. It didn’t take much before I was coming as well with Reed’s mouth back on mine, his tongue sweeping into my mouth, swallowing my cries while I emptied myself into Casper’s throat.
