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“They won’t hurt me,” Elic whispered.

“No, love, they won’t,” Casper replied.

We were in the back seat of a tinted SUV with two bodyguards up front. Due to our schedule while touring in the U.S., we were able to line this visit up with us playing in West Dremest last night. Our latest album was at the top of the charts. Not only did each member of the band write songs on it, but we were more in sync than we’d been before. The feedback we’d gotten from the fans had been amazing. We weren’t overly worried about it since the album came from our souls, but the fact they loved it meant everything to us.

A lot had happened, not only with our music but with Elic’s stepfather too. He went to trial where Elic bravely testified, as did Tristan. Two men we hadn’t met before came forward, admitting they’d been raped. Oscar wouldn’t see the outside of those jail walls for quite some time. It gave Elic peace of mind that Oscar was in there but with us returning to this city, Elic was rightfully anxious.

“What if—”

“No,” I said gently. “We won’t allow anyone to come near you. Isn’t that right, boys?”

“No, sir. You’ll be safe, Elic,” one of our big bodyguards said.

“But what if they try to get me? They used to… What they did to me… They aren’t good people.” Elic hadn’t been this upset in a long time. I hated that he was now. We’d told him he didn’t have to come but he’d insisted. Once we got to our destination, he was hopefully going to be happy.

“Focus on us, love,” I murmured and pressed a kiss to his temple. “Focus on why we’re here. We’ll do this thing and get back to the bus. We’re heading into Jersey tomorrow, remember?”

He nodded.

The SUV pulled alongside the curb where photographers stood with reporters, waiting to take our picture. This wasn’t the first time Elic had to deal with the media or our fans. After everything finally blew over about Casper and I being together in addition to another man, most of our fans warmed up to Elic and welcomed him into the mix. He’d even been called out on stage a few times.

Elic was trying to figure out what job he liked best. Tending to bounce around wherever we needed help, Elic was learning everything there was about being on tour. Flynn joked that he was going to take his job. I told him it was a possibility. Flynn paled so fast I thought he was going to pass out. I slapped him on the shoulder and said I was kidding. After that, Flynn took Elic aside and they talked. Elic was a sponge, absorbing everything he could about our rockstar life, including helping Molly cook for us. He confessed his favorite part was when we were home though. In our bed, without the worry of having to go to the next city.

My door was opened and the sounds of photographers calling my name immediately greeted me. I slid out and held my hand for Elic, who still gripped Casper’s. When the three of us were outside, I couldn’t help but tip my head back and take in the massive building in front of us. It was in the heart of the city with a stone facade that had new life breathed into it. This was a shelter for those who were unhoused, the newest in the city and the biggest. Not only did it have a state-of-the-art kitchen, a doctor on call, and a full staff to help the people who stayed here get back on their feet, but it provided safety for them. There were guards inside who monitored what went on. When someone stepped into the Daphne Thatcher Shelter, they could feel at ease and know help was there for them. The shelter wouldn’t solve every problem, but our hope was to have it provide assistance, a place to sleep without fear of something happening, and meals to fill their stomachs.

“Guys,” Elic said, his voice cracking on the single word. The large name etched into the stone on the front of the building was a beautiful sight. We’d kept the final touches to ourselves, wanting to reveal it to Elic in person, including naming the shelter after his mother.

Casper stood behind Elic with an arm around each of our waists. “Her love will live on, El.”

Elic nodded as a lone tear tracked down his cheek.

“Why don’t we go inside?” I offered.

None of us paid any mind to the photographers shouting at us, asking for a comment. We had the local media brought in and they were already inside the building. We agreed to do an exclusive interview with them.

The interior was beautifully done with a simple design and low maintenance materials to easily keep it clean and organized. Not only did every member of our band donate money, but our family and friends had as well. It was a joint effort they were proud to be a part of.

Elic turned to us before we got to where the news crew waited. His eyes were shiny with unshed tears. The smile he wore was so bright and beautiful. “Marry me. I know we can’t have a traditional wedding, but I want to be tied to you both forever. I’m the luckiest guy in the world and I want everyone to know it.”

“Oh, thank fuck,” Casper breathed out, causing Elic and me to turn sharply toward him. “If he didn’t do it soon, I was going to.” Casper gave Elic a coy grin. “I accidentally overheard you talking to Slater about it.”

I smacked Casper’s arm. “You didn’t think to tell me?”

“Why would I ruin the surprise for you? Besides, that was months ago. I was going out of my skin waiting for him to ask us.” Casper put possessive hands on our hips. “You’re both mine. Now, I can tell everyone we’re engaged.”

“I don’t have the rings,” Elic muttered. “Shit, they’re on the bus. I should have put them in my pocket.”

Dropping a kiss on his nose, I said, “Later. Let’s go rock this interview and tell them we’re taking the next step with our lives.”

Elic pressed his lips to mine. Just as I was about to slip my tongue into his mouth, he pulled back and kissed Casper the same. That was okay though. We’d celebrate later. Just the three of us.

* * *
