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His eyes brightened. “Just the two of us?” The excitement in his tone told me I didn’t do nights like that often enough.

“Yup. Me and you.”

“I’d like that.”

“Good. You can make those brownies I love.”

Slater rolled his eyes. “You only like them when I bake weed into them.”

“Damn straight.” Drugs weren’t my go-to but bake me pot brownies and I was a very happy man.

Reed and Casper entered the living room, both peering down at me.

“The fuck are you doing?” Casper asked.

Reed stepped close until he was standing beside me with a grin. “Hi.”


“Your head hurt yet?”

“So much.”

Holding out his hand, I reached for it so he could slowly pull me into a seated position. I swayed for a few seconds, Reed’s free hand clutching my shoulder to hold me upright. “How long were you like that?”

“Long enough.”

“He was trying to keep the blood in his brain instead of his dick,” Slater added.

“By that logic, you wouldn’t be able to get hard in that position, which I know is bullshit,” Casper stated. “Haven’t you ever been deep throated when someone hung their head off the bed? I can say from experience, dicks don’t go flaccid. There’s enough blood to go around.”

I turned to look at him, the room no longer spinning. “Were you on the bed being throat fucked or the one doing the fucking?”

He smirked. “I’ve done both.”

“You’re a lucky man, Reed.”

Reed chuckled and released me. “I know.”

“Sit. I need advice before we get to work.”

That got a raised eyebrow from Casper. “You need advice from us? This should be good.”

Reaching behind me, I grasped a pillow and threw it at him. He easily caught it and put it behind his head so he could comfortably sit back on the couch. Reed wasted no time sitting beside him and leaning against Casper. They kept the displays of affection to a minimum when Slater was around. I was grateful for it. Slater was trying to get over Reed. He didn’t need their romance shoved in his face. The reality was we were together a lot. Some PDAs were going to happen.

With my legs braced and my feet on the floor, I leaned my forearms onto my thighs. “I have a man problem.”

“A man problem?” Reed asked.

“Two, to be precise. I have crushes, which I have no idea what to do about. First is Tristan. He’s so sweet and caring. I want to bundle him up and make sure he knows he’s special.”

Casper nodded. “I can understand that. He’s been through a lot of shit he shouldn’t have had to deal with. Next.”


“The dancer at Untouchable?” Slater asked curiously. “You caught feelings for him? Do you know how many men probably fall at his feet, begging him to be theirs?”

“Thank you for pointing out the obvious. Anyway, I didn’t do anything with him that night. There was a connection between us, but it was innocent. I helped him with something—”
