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A sudden protective streak came over me. One I’d only felt for my family and friends. This time it was aimed at Tristan. From this point forward, he was mine to protect. Why that was so crucial to solidify in my mind, I wasn’t sure.

Something had changed today. I’d seen Tristan repeatedly shed tears over the lie he’d been living, unbeknownst to him. I’d watched as he packed his belongings. His eyes were finally open to what he hadn’t seen before, to the truth. No one should have to go through that. If it were up to me, Tristan never would again.



A Month Later

I was like a kid in a candy shop. Not literally because I was a drummer currently in a strip club. Hot men moved around me, some drinking me in from head to toe. The servers spun effortlessly between the tables as they dropped off food and drinks in nothing but a G-string.

This wasn’t just any strip club, and if the owner heard me calling it that, he’d probably kick me out. This was Untouchable, a premier club for the wealthiest men in and around West Dremest.

Dexen Dremest owned the club where his members were thoroughly vetted, had signed confidentiality agreements, and paid a very hefty sum to enjoy the beautiful men who graced the stage. And my band was playing the music for some of tonight’s entertainment. I got to play while watching men strip, though they didn’t get fully naked, only down to a thin scrap of fabric that covered their cock and balls.

Slater whistled from beside me. “Can you believe this place?”

“We should have gotten memberships years ago,” I said. We could afford them. Why we didn’t think to was beyond me.

A deejay currently spun the music for the stacked man on stage. The way the light bounced off the dancer’s pronounced muscles made me want to lean close and bury my face in his groin. By the looks of the patrons, I wasn’t alone. They could stare all they wanted, but Dexen ran a different club here. The members couldn’t touch the dancers. Envelopes were placed on the tables with pens where the member tipped the dancer and wrote the dancer’s name on the envelope. They sealed it and, on the way out the door, dropped it in a guarded lockbox. It was smart. A way to keep things safe for all involved.

There were also VIP rooms where the members paid an extra fee to get a private dance. Again, no touching. The rooms were heavily guarded. Nothing mattered more to Dexen than the safety of those he cared for.

Several members dressed in expensive suits sent appreciative glances our way. We hadn’t been here long. I’d already lost track of how many times Casper had claimed Reed by shoving his tongue down his throat and growling at the surrounding men. It was a good thing Elic had to work at the restaurant tonight, or Casper wouldn’t have been able to do anything but make sure the whole place knew who they belonged to.

Dexen came toward us with a smile in place, showing off dimples beneath his slight scruff. His copper hair was combed back from his face. The white button-down he wore had the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, giving me a view of his muscular forearms. Black slacks encased his long legs. I was six foot two. Dexen was taller than me by a couple of inches.

“I’m glad we could make this happen,” he said and shook each of our hands. We rarely played private events. For the money Dexen paid us, we’d come back if he wanted us to. “JJ hasn’t let up about having you play here.” Dexen had two partners. Greer was a family friend of Reed and Casper’s. JJ wasthe one who loved our music. Greer did too, but not to the same degree JJ did.

“Where is he?” Reed asked. “I haven’t seen him or Greer.”

“They’re in my office. I told JJ he wasn’t allowed to bother you, but he’ll have a front-row seat for your set.”

“Doesn’t he want to watch the dancers?” I asked. “We’ll pale in comparison to what they can do.”

“They’re not his thing, never have been. I’ll let you set up. When you’re ready, signal our deejay, Milo, and he’ll introduce you. Your first two dancers are Dom and Romeo.”

Dominic Summit was in a relationship with Greer’s brother, Peyton. They were committed to a wealthy business owner, Perry Altair Jr., as well. Perry also happened to be JJ’s cousin. We’d gotten to know the men well since we’d ended our tour a couple of months ago.

“Romeo… I like the sound of that,” I said with a grin.

Dexen cocked an eyebrow at me.

“Yeah, yeah, no touching the dancers.” He didn’t have to tell me.

He leaned in close. “If you’d like a private dance, I can arrange it.”

I chuckled. “For a fee.” Everything had a price here.

There was a twinkle in his eye when he leaned back. “On the house for playing tonight. Just this once.”

My brother turned so fast toward us I was surprised he didn’t get whiplash. “What’s that?”

“VIP room. One dance on the house. Choose your dancer.”

“Romeo’s mine,” I called and raised my hand.

Reed laughed. “You don’t even know what he looks like.”
