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Romeo came into my room and stopped in front of me. Reaching up, he brushed the backs of his fingers over the bit of scruff on my face. “I can’t promise where we’ll go or how it will work out, but I can tell you Dash and I are nothing like the other men you’ve been with.”

My breath stilled in my lungs while I studied him. From what he’d told me, he loved to work at Untouchable. Dash said he moved like a dream. I hadn’t gotten to see him dance yet. Hopefully, I would someday. But I didn’t need the Romeo who was a dancer. I was content with this Romeo in front of me. The one who cared about me and wanted me in a safe place.

“I’m glad we met that day in the coffee shop,” I said.

A smile lifted the corner of his lips. “Me too.”

“And not because you invited me to move in. I would have wanted this with you and Dash, regardless of that. The more I get to know you, the more I’m looking forward to seeing where this will go. I’ve never considered a relationship with two men before, but the idea of trying to choose between you doesn’t sit well with me. Not that anyone is asking me to choose. I’m just saying it would be difficult.”

He chuckled. “I know what you mean. All I could think about at first was how you both would react when you knew who my father was and my connection to Jordan. It’s a big hurdle and most people wouldn’t want anything to do with it. Then there’s the club. The money doesn’t matter to me. It’s the freedom I feel when I’m up there, doing something I love while letting go. The members see me for my body and that’s fine. They don’t want to know me deeper. No strings.”

“Yet, you’re letting Dash and me in. That’s a bunch of strings.”

“I am. It scares the hell out of me.”

“Looks like we’re in good company then. We both have our fears, different as they may be.”

“We do. You look good tonight. How do you feel about public displays of affection? We haven’t done more than embrace, but I don’t want to cross any lines you’re uncomfortable with.” I should have taken more than half a second to think about it, but I didn’t need to. I enjoyed it when the man I was with showed he cared.

“Hold my hand, kiss me, I want it all. I don’t shy away from it in private or in public.”

His hand moved from my cheek, grazing gently over my neck, to my shoulder and down my arm until he teased my fingers with his. “I crave more of your touch, and not simply because of my anxiety. I want it beyond that. You and Dash surrounding me was amazing.”

Threading my fingers with his, I gave his hand a soft squeeze. Romeo talked about protecting me, wanting to make sure I was safe and unhurt. Standing here with him, I wasn’t the only vulnerable one. Romeo navigated these uncharted waters with me, opening himself in ways he hadn’t before. Dash and I had to be careful with him. The last thing I wanted to do was break his or Dash’s heart. Here I thought I was the one who would have to guard mine. It turned out we all would.

Dash and Romeo were new to relationships. The only ones I’d had in the past were unhealthy at best.

“You don’t think Dash is going to pick us up on a motorcycle, do you?” I asked. “He could have one with a sidecar for all we know.”

“I have no idea. We could take one of our cars if he shows up on his bike.” There was no way I wanted them in my piece of shit sedan.

“Not mine. Yours would work though.”

“It’s just a car, Tris. No one cares what it looks like. Its sole purpose is to get you from point A to B.”

“You say that while there’s a gorgeous Nissan GT-R sitting in your garage.” I only knew what he drove because he gave me the spare garage bay. There were three of them. He had the Nissan and an older Land Rover he said he drove when it snowed. My car looked sad compared to the Nissan.

“Drug money.” Romeo shrugged. “Or whatever my father did to earn it.”

“It doesn’t bother you?”

“Not now. It used to when I first found out who he was. But then I saw the good the money did for me and my mom. Without it, she wouldn’t have been able to afford most of what we had. I could do things I wouldn’t have otherwise, like go to college. She didn’t have to work multiple jobs to keep a roof over our heads. I don’t agree with what Jordan does or my father did. Because of that, I didn’t keep all the money he left me when he died. I donated a chunk to various organizations that help victims of assault and rape. Not everyone is lucky.”

I gave his hand a tug to draw his eyes to mine. “I won’t ask you what happened, but if you ever want to talk, I’m here. No judgment, no anything. Just a shoulder and an embrace.”

“Thanks. I may take you up on that.”

“Life isn’t always easy. I’ve learned surrounding yourself with people who care makes a difference. After the relationships I was in, I lost more friends with every one. Now I’m left with none.” What else could I say? I had no friends anymore.

The buzzer at the front door sounded, putting a stop to our conversation so we could focus on our date. This was one of what was bound to be many conversations we’d have between us and with Dash. Communication was important, as was trust. I wouldn’t force Romeo to tell us what he didn’t want to. Some things were hard to say. Whatever demons he battled; it was his choice whether he revealed them.



If Dash hadn’t arrived when he did, I might have spilled what happened to me when Jordan’s guy had to intervene. I wasn’t ashamed. Far from it. I just didn’t like talking about it, reliving it, or bringing it to the front of my mind.

My breath shook on my exhale. I refused to have a panic attack right now. Bringing that up usually brought one on, but not now. Not with Dash outside waiting for us and a date to go on. I couldn’t will the panic away, but I could distract myself in an attempt to keep it at bay.
