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The sip of liquor JJ had just drunk came spraying from his mouth. “You’re his what?”

“If you would have seen the way Tristan was treated at his previous job, you’d understand why I took him on as an employee,” Jordan replied to his son. “That manager is lucky I didn’t sever his Achilles’ tendon on my way out the door.” There was a visual I didn’t need.

I shrugged. “I like helping people pick out what colors look best on them and what cuts are flattering.”

“You’re okay with this?” JJ asked Dash.

“It’s not my call. If Tristan wants to work for him, that’s his decision. Am I concerned about it? Fuck yeah, but no one has come after Romeo because of Jordan, so I’m hoping the same holds true with Tristan. Honestly, I’ll be gone a lot when we’re on tour. Unless they want to come with me, I need to know they’ll be safe.”

“Come with you?” I asked. “Is that an option?”

“I’d have to talk it over with the guys, but I doubt they’re going to leave Elic behind when we head out next.”

I hadn’t thought about what would happen when he left outside of still having Romeo here. Going on tour with Dash would be a big change but could also be really fun. I wasn’t sure how Romeo would handle it though.

A soft snore let me know the man in question was currently asleep. Between the liquor and the exhaustion from the evening’s events, he was done.

Dash chuckled. “I think someone’s had enough.”

Jordan’s eyes softened ever so slightly when he saw Romeo asleep. “You’re welcome to stay.”

“As unenticing as that is, we’re going to take our leave.” Dash stood and stretched, his shirt riding up to expose the ridges of his abs. “I’m tired and want nothing more than to curl up with my men.”

“Ditto,” Dexen said and stood as well, offering his hands to Greer and JJ. He turned to Jordan. “I’d like to say it’s been fun, but I won’t start lying to you now. This tangled web we live in just got a whole hell of a lot bigger.”

JJ got to his feet. “When will I see you again?” he asked his father. While they didn’t appear to be close, it was obvious from the open need on his face that JJ wanted to be in his father’s life again. I couldn’t begin to understand what he’d gone through growing up under Jordan.

“What would you like? I can’t promise I’ll be the father you need. I never was.”

“No, but you’ve changed. That much is obvious.” Dexen scraped his fingers along JJ’s scalp. In the blink of an eye, JJ relaxed, his shoulders slumping. “I hate you for a lot of what you did. That won’t disappear, but there’s still a part of me that doesn’t want to dismiss you completely.”

Jordan nodded. “I understand. When you want to meet, call. I’ll leave it in your hands.”

Dash leaned down to scoop Romeo into his arms. Romeo cuddled as close as he could to Dash’s chest. “Let’s go, Tris. I’ve had enough family time, if that’s what we’re calling this.”

We didn’t say goodbye, nor did I tell Jordan I’d see him on Monday. I would, I had no doubt. Hopefully, he set a list of responsibilities because I didn’t know what he expected from me. I hadn’t been anyone’s personal stylist before. My résumé consisted of working in retail. Sure, I helped customers in the store, but they didn’t keep coming back for more from me.

We rode the elevator down with Dexen, Greer, JJ, and Bruno. Bruno would drive us back to our home. I doubted we would walk, exposing ourselves coming from Jordan’s building like that.

JJ paused after we got out of the elevator. “I’m still shocked by what happened tonight, but I’ll say this. Whatever relationship Romeo has with my old man, he’s softened him a bit.”

“You aren’t jealous that he’s paying more attention to Romeo than you?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

“Fuck no. I have all the attention I need with Greer and Dex. I can’t rule out wanting him in my life again though. There have been a lot of hard times with my dad, moments I’ll never get out of my head. But he’s still my dad. If he’s changing for the better, I’d like to be here for some of it. Maybe the six of us can get together again with him.”

“You just want a buffer between you and him,” Dash said with a chuckle.

“Buffers aren’t a bad thing,” Greer added. “JJ had it rough growing up.”

“I don’t think there’s redemption,” Dexen said. “But it might not be a bad thing to consider letting him in a little. My dad...”Dexen blew out a breath. “He suffered a heart attack last week. He’s okay. They did surgery, and he’s on the mend. It made me realize, even more than I already knew, how quickly someone I love can be ripped away from me. I wouldn’t want you to have any regrets, Jordan.”

JJ pressed a kiss to Dexen’s lips. “As long as I have you and Greer, there won’t be any, but I see what you’re getting at.” He turned to us. “I’m sorry we had to deal with this tonight, but I’m glad you two are here for Romeo. Going through what he had couldn’t have been easy. While my old man was there for him part of the way, I know it wasn’t with hugs. That’s not him. Be Romeo’s family and love him with everything you have. Our time here is limited. Live it to the fullest.”

Tears stung my eyes. JJ’s words were so true and affected me deeply.

He gave us a last nod. “Get home safe and we’ll be in touch.”

“Wait,” Dash said. “Tris, reach into my back pocket.”
