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I stepped behind Dash and put my hand in his pocket, finding a piece of paper.

“Hand that to JJ for me.”

Without looking at it, I did as he asked.

JJ unfolded the paper and gasped. “You can’t be serious.”

“What’s it say?” Greer asked, looking over JJ’s shoulder.

“It’s a time, date, and location of their studio.”

“We’re recording soon and there’s a song we thought you and Val might want to provide backup vocals on. Very short parts, but it would be your chance to be on the album.”

“Holy shit. Val’s going to lose his mind. I can’t believe you want me to sing. I sound terrible.”

“That’s why I said very short.” Dash winked.

JJ’s mood went from somber to elated. “This is fantastic. We’ll be there.”

Dash nodded, and the six of us parted ways. Dash, Romeo, and I getting into the SUV Bruno picked us up in earlier and the others getting into their vehicle.

Once we were seated with Romeo on Dash’s lap in the back, I said, “That was very sweet of you.”

“They’re great guys. It’s the least we could do.”

“Does JJ really sound that bad?”

Dash laughed. “You have no idea. We had a karaoke night and while Reed drowned him out for the most part, the dude definitely can’t hold a note. After the people in the studio work their magic, Val and JJ will be recognizable, but won’t sound awful. It’s the least we could do. Having fans like them who are good friends, there’s nothing better.”

“Except going home with your boyfriends.” I nudged his shoulder with mine.

“That’s definitely at the top of the list. You and Romeo, you’re everything to me.”

“Me too, Dash.” I leaned in and pressed my lips to his, then dropped a kiss on Romeo’s head. He was out cold. I’d learned it took a lot to wake him in the morning, and he wasn’t much of a conversationalist first thing. But that was okay. I loved him even more because of it.



I slowly came awake, trying to stretch my arms, only I couldn’t move and was excessively warm. Attempting to wiggle my body, I couldn’t do much, thanks to the weight on either side of me. The night came back to me. From the high of performing on stage and having my boyfriends there, to the low of hearing shots fired and watching Romeo tell his story to Dexen, Greer, and JJ.

It wasn’t easy seeing Romeo struggle with telling them, especially JJ. Romeo didn’t need to voice his worry. The emotion was written clear as day on his face, like at any minute he waited for them to get into a fight. But they didn’t. They were floored.

Three more people now knew about Romeo’s connection to Jordan and Malik. Something good might have come from it though. I didn’t think JJ would easily mend his relationship with his father, but there could be a path to open communication again.

What the hell did I know? My parents were currently traveling the country in an RV the size of our tour bus. They’d always enjoyed seeing different places, so for an anniversary gift earlier this year, Slater and I got together and bought them a luxury coach. My dad used to drive tractor trailers for a livingbefore retiring. It was easy for him to get behind the wheel of the coach.

We’d grown up here in eastern Pennsylvania, but after we were well into our careers, our parents wanted to live on the West Coast, so they moved to Washington. We saw them for holidays when they flew out and stayed in Slater’s home. The coach allowed them to travel until they were tired of it. They’d been on the road for months, packing up and leaving their location whenever they felt like it.

Our parents deserved that life. They worked hard while we were growing up so we could have everything we needed. We’d paid for their house and now the coach. It was the least we could do to thank them for raising us.

Romeo stirred on my left. He lifted his head and cracked an eye open to stare at me. The other eye opened quickly after, and they both went wide as he swiped a bit of drool from the corner of his mouth. “Did I drool on you? Oh my god.” He swiped at my chest to try to get anything off. If he did drool, I didn’t notice. Who would have thought drool would be cute?

He attempted to move away, clearly embarrassed. Thanks to him being awake, I could move my arm and wrap it around his waist to keep him in place. “You’re not going anywhere. I like you just where you are.”

“This is not how I wanted to wake up with you.” He dropped his head to my chest. “I need to brush my teeth, my hair, and slap on some deodorant. I passed out last night and vaguely remember you carrying me to bed.”

“You wouldn’t let me leave when I put you down, not that I wanted to go home.”
