Page 10 of Mafie Queen

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His tone is serious, but I continue to laugh as if it were a joke. Us, letting go of control. That’s never going to happen. Especially when it comes to our girl.

I look at the empty seat next to me and play his game. I already feel a little bit better, so maybe there’s something to this method. Dr. K has never led me astray before.

“Oh really, Evie. You’re going to side with this guy right now? Rip my heart out all over again, why don’t you.”

Havoc scoffs as a silence seems to stretch out.

I picture her there, right next to me. Her eyes as fierce as a storm over the raging sea would look directly into mine. I would take her hand and hold it tight. Squeeze it three times to remind her that I love her. Then, I’d kiss it just so she would never forget. My voice is soft as I ask him to go on.

“Then what would she say, Havoc?”

He closes his eyes, feeling the weight of what I’m asking. “She would say that you’re strong enough to make it better and that she believes in you. That she believes in us to work as a team to figure this out. She would tell us to rally the nations if we have to, but Adrik must be stopped.”

An idea clicks as sure as a lightbulb going off in my head. I stand immediately, not wanting it to dissipate, and kiss Havoc on the head for his insanely brilliant idea.

“You’re a fucking genius, brother!”

His face scrunches up, but I know exactly what I need to do. “Thanks?”

I start to walk away, my plan forming perfectly in my mind when he calls out to me.

“Where are you going?”

With a shrug I say, “To rally the nations. Let’s create an army, brother.”

“We already have an army.” He throws his hands out wide.

While he’s right, the Russian mafia is made up of all sorts of people. We aren’t all warriors trained to fight though. But there is one group I know of that’s all well trained in combat, and one of them is a personal friend of Laney’s.

“Not an army of ninjas.” I give him my best ninja fighting stance, and he looks more confused than ever.

That’s okay though, he’ll understand soon. I just need to talk to Laney first. I take the elevator to the tenth floor. Since Arrow isn’t on a breathing machine, he’s no longer in the ICU, but he hasn’t woken up since he had the seizure post-op.

Doc said it’s a risk that can happen after any surgery and thinks a blood clot was dislodged when Arrow tried to move around for the first time. Laney doesn’t believe that though.

I step into Arrow’s room and I’m met with ice-blue daggers. Laney eyes me like I’m planning to assassinate them both. But once recognition washes over her features, those blue eyes dim.

“Hey there, Firecracker.” I keep my voice light. She’s been kicking everyone out that so much as sets her off, and I need her help. “I need your networking skills to lend me a hand.”

“I’m not leaving him. I won’t.” She crosses her arms stubbornly as her gaze roams over the man she loves.Well, one of them at least.

“I don’t need you to.” I move to her side and gesture to the couch she’s turned into her personal home. “Can I sit?”

She scoots over, even though she really didn’t need to. Laney has always been thin, the perfect Barbie doll body as some might say. But lately, she seems so frail and tiny. Nothing like the spitfire I’m used to seeing. Nothing like the girl that Evie would recognize. She would know how to make this better for her.

Taking a seat, I scoot closer to her. I’m close enough that my leg leans against hers. We’ve never really touched before, but I feel like she needs this.

“You know what Evie would say if she were here?” I decide not to mention that this thought process was inspired by Havoc.

Laney shakes her head, looking away from me.

“She’s not here though.”

“But if she were,” I say, gently nudging her arm, “she would have a hell of a lot to say to you.”

I see a tear roll down Laney’s cheek before she hastily wipes it away.

“Don’t do this. You’re so much stronger than this.”
