Page 100 of Mafie Queen

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“Is Ivan still in your father's basement?” I ask Alexi.

“I believe so.” He clicks around his computer and sure enough, he pulls up the feed of a sleeping Ivan in a cell. He looks like shit, but he’s still breathing.

“Take me to him.”

“Princess, what is this about?”

I don’t answer him though. I just run up the stairs and into our room. I flick on the lights, it becomes clear I’m very much interrupting Damien and Lev having some special time. But I can’t form words. I need to get to Ivan and make sure I’m right about this before I tell them.

Oh fuck, fuckity fuck, FUCK. I need him to tell me I’m wrong. I’m being crazy. I don’t want to have to tell everyone what I think I’ve remembered.

I slam my hand into the door of my closet, internally screaming at myself for not remembering this sooner, if it even is a memory. Damien comes in and pulls my face to meet his gaze.

“Talk, now.” It’s not an angry tone, just demanding. His ‘Dom’ voice as he likes to call it.

I can see I’ve made him just as nervous as I am. I mean, if my memory is correct, he should be. But I don’t know if it is yet so there’s no need to get him worked up yet when things are still unclear in my mind.

“I just...I think I’ve remembered something Rostya said, but I need to talk to Ivan to make sure before I say anything.”

“What makes you think he will be any help?”

It’s a valid question, and one of the many that’s been running through my head as I throw on clothes.

“I don’t know if he will be, but I need to at least try. Please just trust that I’m trying to get all of the information before I worry you. It could be nothing and just part of the hallucinations, but I need to know.”

He sighs, letting go of me. “Then why don’t you call Dr. K instead of talking to Ivan?”

“Dr. K doesn’t have the answers I need, but if I’m right, it would tell me why Ivan switched sides.”

“And you won’t tell me what that is?”

“Not until I’m sure.”

He runs a hand through his hair but eventually nods in agreement. “Alright, let’s go then.”


The ride to the estate is tense, the guys stare at me almost the whole time as I bounce my knee and grit my teeth. I hold my journal close to my chest, not wanting to risk any of them seeing it before I have a chance to confirm everything.

That, and I don’t want to lose this memory. So much of my time with Rostya is a black hole, and I want to be able to give them all of the information if it is the truth.

As we approach Ivan’s cell, he sits up in his bed, looking fully drained of energy. “Eydis?”

“Ivan. Call me Evie.”

“Or call her nothing and sit and listen,” Lev says in a harsh tone.

He has every right to hate his father, but his attitude right now isn’t needed. Lev looks like he’s ready to fight the guy, his fists clenched and jaw locked so tight I worry he will break a tooth. I want answers before any of this conflict though.

“Good to see you’re talking again, Son.” Ivan looks truly relieved to see Lev. Anyone could tell this man has been through hell down here, but the way he looks at Lev makes me hate him a little less than I did at Christmas.

Ivan walks over to the bars and I look back at the guys.

“I need to talk to him alone.”

“Not a chance in hell, Princess.” Alexi reaches out but I step back from his hand and closer to the cell.

“It wasn’t a request. It was me telling you to get the fuck out while I get the answers I need without interruptions,” I snap at him.
