Page 118 of Mafie Queen

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“What do you think your father wants to talk to her about?” Damien asks as he flops down on the sofa and kicks his feet up on the coffee table.

“If I had to guess, I would say Evie is about to become the new leader of The Mafie Society.”

Chapter 41

Boris eyes me carefully after I dismiss my husbands. He doesn’t seem to be surprised that they listened, more surprised that I asked it of them.

“Alright, what do you want to discuss?” He told us this was just a family dinner, so I am in a t-shirt that says ‘Always sassy, never classy’ and sweatpants because it’s starting to get cold again. But now, with the formality of this conversation, I feel like I should be wearing a suit or something.

Boris is in a burgundy sweater, and I realize he didn’t ask Alexi to take my knife. Which means he’s either stupid, or he trusts me.

“I want to give you the position of the leader of The Mafie Society.”

My nose scrunches up. “Why?”

He laughs, leaning back in his chair to get comfortable, and I realize now why he did it this way. If we were at his office, this wouldn’t have felt like a discussion amongst family, it would have felt like a business deal we all felt pressured to take.

“Now that you’re officially my daughter, I think it’s time I told you something.”

“Daughter-in-law,and what could be more important than you wanting to hand me one of the highest positions in the underworld to ever exist?”

“Because, before I do this, I need you to see that while I may have missed a few things and certainly messed up my fair share of times, I’m not the bad guy.”

I laugh at that. “Boris, we are all the bad guys. We’re criminals and murderers. We take what we want and leave others to suffer at our hands every day. You cannot claim to be a good guy because they don’t exist in our world.”

“They believe you’re good.” He gestures to the door the guys just exited.

“They only think that because I use my position to protect the ones I love, my family.”

“Do I not do the same?”

I shrug. “You do, but you do it because you would be lost without them, not because you believe the world will be better for them having been in it.”

“That is not true.” His brows pinch as if he actually believes that. When I say nothing, he shakes his head. “What do I have to do to prove to you that I have learned from my mistakes?”

I think on that for a second because it’s a good question. There are not many ways Boris can prove his loyalty to our family while he still holds his title.

“It takes sacrifice. Be willing to sacrificeyourselfto savethem.”

“So that they can go crazy for weeks trying to find a way to save me like they did you?” He doesn’t say it with spite, but as if he truly wants to understand. So I explain it for only him to hear. The guys would never understand why I was willing to sacrifice everything for them, but Boris might.

“No. You give up yourself so that everyone can learn to put their differences aside to rally together and form a team greater than any force ever known in our world.”

He shakes his head at me, but a smile plays at his lips.

“I did not think it was possible,” he says under his breath.

“Didn’t think what was possible?” I know the statement wasn’t necessarily meant for me to hear or question, but I can’t get a read on Boris today. Usually he’s as unreadable as Alexi. I’ve been working hard to break him down. But now it’s like no walls are up anywhere, and he’s just happy. It’s too fucking weird.

“To love so fiercely. I mean, I was starting to believe it existed on my own, but seeing them with you gives me no doubts that love can be the most powerful weapon.”

“So you’re saying even a girl in her twenties can teach an old dog new tricks?” I joke.

“Women,” he corrects, “in their twenties are teaching me many new tricks. But I am not old.”

“Whatever you say,” I wink at him, just like Havoc and he chuckles.

“So, what do you say to the position then?”
